Friday, May 30, 2008

Any good Playstation 3 exclusives?

May be...
  • Are there ANY good playstation 3 exclusives out now? I only have Heavenly Sword. I'm always playing my Xbox360 and Wii, but my PS3 collects dust.

    So... are there ANY good PS3 exclusives out now, or set to be released in the NEAR future? I don't like sports games. Those are the only games I won't play.

    If I can't find anything, I might have to find another use for the system, like a paperweight or something.

    God, I used to LOVE my Playstation 2. What happened, Sony? Oh, how the mighty have fallen...
  • Uncharted: Drakes Fortune


    Ratchet an Clank: FTOD


    Resistance Fall of Man

    Ninja Gaiden: Sigma


    Gran Turismo 5: Prologue

    MLB: The Show

    Hot Shots Golf

    Haze (didn't get particularly good reviews)

    Lair (didn't get particularly good reviews)

    MGS4 is coming June 12th

    Future exclusives:

    Socom: Confrontation

    Little Big Planet

    Killzone 2

    Resistance 2



    Final Fantasy XIII and versus

    Gran Turismo 5

    There are a ton of exclusives coming (even more than I listed), you just have to be patient. Start saving up for them.
  • I would strongy advise:

    -Uncharted Drakes Fortune and

    -Metal Gear Solid 4. (out 12th of June)

    Metal Gear Solid 4 might become one of the greatest games of all time, and uncharted is another great game you should get.

    And if you like FPSs, I would advise Resistance Fall of man.
  • Metal Gear comes out. God of war 3, resistance fall of man 2, motorstorm 2............there are some sweet games to look forward to.

    PSN: Battered_Puppet
  • MGS4 should be classic end to the series and Tekken 6 will be ok have a look on gamespot or something
  • Ratchet and CLank Future

    Drake's Fortune

    Resistance Fall of Man
  • ratchet and clank on the ps3 is a good game and plus u can probaly find a good deal on it if u look around.
  • PS3 had to 'take one for the team' in Sony's bid to make Bluray the next video standard. They won, but the PS3 lost its prominence in the process.

    Having said that, the PS3 does have Bluray, so you can use it to watch HD movies even if there are no games to play, that's what I do as a Netflix subscriber, I get bluray movies. And it also (depending on model) plays your PS2 games.

    To tell you the truth, the time of 'exclusives' is gone. Games nowadays are just too expensive to make (specially the High Def. games), so most games will come for both the 360 and the PS3 except for a few flagship games like Xbox's Halo and PS3's God of War and Final Fantasy. I don't see a point in having both a 360 and a PS3, unless you really really really like one of the few exclusive games for the console.

    It does seem like the PS3 is gaining ground on the 360 (remember the 360 came a year before), and as developers finish coding their middlewares, more and more games will pop.

    I think 2009 will be the year of the PS3.
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