Friday, May 30, 2008

How long are you supposed to play your ps2???

May be...
  • well my ps2 is always braking.. since we got a used one 2 weeks ago i keep getting worried its gonna break.. so i wanna no how long ur supposed to play it.. by the way i have a thin one..
  • It should be able to stay on for weeks!!!!!!!

    If you are that worried about it breaking, play for a few hours, save the game, Turn off the PS2 for a while(about 15 mins)

    Then turn it on and play again,

    but it shouldn't break if you keep it on to long,

    What do you mean by braking anyway?

    If it saying the disk read error, that means you have to clean the laser with a q-tip and rubbing alcohol,
  • dude! u can play ps2 has lon as you want... have it for all your life if you will. i have minds for 5 years now and i'm still playing it
  • You should be able to play your PS2 as long as you want because I know that I sure did.

    If your PS2 keeps breaking then it's probably a problem with the console itself.
  • what the hell kind of question is that?
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