Saturday, May 31, 2008

Need help finding ?

May be...
  • Ok, so I need some help finding a PS1.. I don't want to go on Ebay because shipping electronics bother me alot and im not sure if anyone sells them anymore. The reason why im looking for one is because 7 years ago I gave it away to my mom's boyfriend for my gamecube.. Well ever since then I've been wanting to buy one because I feel like i shouldn't have given it away. Plus my PS1 had alot more games.. Anyways, I need help trying to find one...

    Does anyone know of any places that still have them ? And does PS2 play PS1 games ? If so, i'll get PS2 .. I wanted to buy an old Spyro game as well ( the first one ) because I miss my game and my first game console alot..
  • Both the PS2 and PS3 play PS1 games.

    I would just get a new PS2 if you want to play PS1 games. That way you can extend your games library with some PS2 games as well. The only PS1 consoles you'll be able to find are used.

    The PS2 also has some of the best games ever. I highly recommend getting Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and Okami to start you off. Best games for the system in my opinion (read up on them though, because you may not like the genre).
  • ps2 and ps3 can take those games
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