Friday, May 30, 2008

Which console shud i get? ps3 or xbox360.Why?

May be...
  • yes i must agree, get the xbox360. in long run, it will save u $$$ in terms of games.

    1 of the advantage of having xbox360 is it can be hacked/modded to enable it to run cheap copied games.(u'll save alot $$$ on games) and no, u wont get banned from live.I have a modded 360 & I still can play online.

    According to most reviews, the graphic is nicer compare to ps3....well, it is definitely worth gettting it..

    in my opinion, ps3 is not 100% ready yet.especially ps3 online network why wait when u can play live now with xbox 360.u pay money for the console so that u can enjoy the priveleges not sit around n WAIT til it is 100% fully ready. blueray games are not cheap too...
  • Well both are great choices and very effective consoles. If your looking for most efficient/effective Sony Playstations are a much more reliable for both durability and effectiveness compare to the Microsoft Xbox360 1 in every 3 Xbox360 fail or break down within 2-5 months of constant use. The PS3 has fewer games for it but has much better quality picture and better graphics than the 360. Then again the 360 has far more games for it, not to mention the exclusive games that only Microsoft studios produce for their own game consoles, for example Halo and Bioshock (Both excellent games by the way). Then there is price range, a PS3 goes for $400-$600 a console and 360s range from $360-$500. in my personal opinion I think you should get an Xbox 360 Elite, it may be a bit pricier than the PS3 (by about $50 compared to a $400 PS3) Elites are more efficient and effective compared to the original 360. Hope this answers your question!
  • I just tried to compare these two consoles in the web.

    Okay here are the details:

    Sony PlayStation 3

    Score: 9.0 out of 10 based on reviews from 138 sources in 29 countries.

    Microsoft Xbox 360

    Score: 7.5 out of 10 based on reviews from 152 sources in 32 countries.

    So as you can see yourself the best rating has PS3. As for me - I'm disagree with the crowd. PS3's have no good games and people only buy em for the Blu-Ray. Anyway - it's up to you.
  • At the moment Id go a PS3.

    Last year I would have said 360.

    PS3 is on the rise, and for many great reasons.

    Theres tons of exclusives heading its way- such as the amazing Metal Gear Solid, Little Big Planet, Killzone 2 etc..

    It has a built in Blu-Ray drive which is the successor to DVD.

    Due to the bluray drives, more can fit into games.

    The online store has recently been upgraded and is filled with great stuff- demos, game downloads, wallpapers, themes, music videos, movie trailers and more.

    The PS3 will last ages. The PS2 is proof of this- it still outsells the 360 now!

    Majority of games on the 360 are on the ps3- even if 360 claims them to be exlusive (Bioshock).

    Playing online is FREE (not so with the 360)

    It is constantly updated through firmware updates- giving it no end to what it CAN do in the future.

    I bought a PS3 just under a year ago- and never looked back.

    Buying a 360 is pointless- give it 3 years and the new xbox will be out.
  • x-box i would never buy its from the same people who did vista and you know how much people like vista... I have a friend that went through 4 x-box 360's in 6 months and he is a moderate gamer. On the other hand i have a friend that is an extreme gamer and his x-box 360 is actually lasting(but has freezing issues and such)...

    I have a ps3 since i am a square enix fan, i will love FF13, i will love KH3.

    My point of view is this which game do you like better halo 3 or FF13... anyways halo 3 will come to pc eventually with added features...

    I hate the failure rate of the 360's that is why i would never get one... The ps3 i love, play's blu-ray and there games are in blu-ray so technically they can fit more than 5 times as much as an x-box 360 game can, 8.5gb vs 50gb(blu-ray).

    also ps3 can install linux... x-box 360 can't...
  • At the moment I'd go for a PS3.

    Last year I would have said 360.

    PS3 is on the rise, and for many great reasons.

    Theres tons of exclusives heading its way- such as the amazing Metal Gear Solid, Little Big Planet, Killzone 2 etc..

    It has a built in Blu-Ray drive which is the successor to DVD.

    Due to the bluray drives, more can fit into games.

    The online store has recently been upgraded and is filled with great stuff- demos, game downloads, wallpapers, themes, music videos, movie trailers and more.

    The PS3 will last ages. The PS2 is proof of this- it still outsells the 360 now!

    Majority of games on the 360 are on the ps3- even if 360 claims them to be exlusive (Bioshock).

    Playing online is FREE (not so with the 360)

    It is constantly updated through firmware updates- giving it no end to what it CAN do in the future.

    I bought a PS3 just under a year ago- and never looked back.

    Buying a 360 is pointless- give it 3 years and the new xbox will be out.
  • xbox 360- excellent games it's got more shooting games then the ps3 like, mass effect, gears of war ect, xbox live is the best gameplay online experience only disadvantage is that u have to pay for it, 10gb hard drive, has troulbe breaking

    ps3- blue ray, good games more sport thogh then xbox 360, free online play but it's crap compared to xbox live much more expansive

    overall 360 are better i think
  • well i would get a ps3 because, xbox360's hd dvd is now obsulete, the blu ray is better, yeah their are alot of more games out for xbox 360 but the system came out a year before ps3 did, so i wouldnt give that advantage to 360 that was their whole intent was to beat sony to the punch, and now its not working because their system is old dead technology, ps3 is a computer, video game system, blu ray disc player dvd player, cd player, ps2, ps1 player, home entertainment center, ps3 has free online gameing xbox 360 you have to pay to play, xbox 360 has a failure rate of 70% while ps3 has a failure rate of only 4% ive owned 4 xbox 360's since the day it came out and all of them have had the red ring of death or the disc tray came off track and broke to the point where i couldnt fix it with out returning the system to microsoft. but hey who am i the choice is yours on picking a system the only thing is is that your happy with your selection....good day
  • xbox360 so you can play with me just kidding but it a gud system with lot of updates like new maps and everything and they have better games like saints row fable2 idk about h3 but ya that 2 but which one do you seem to like th most
  • Don't listen to anyone, look at the games and capabilities yourself and decide for your self,

    Dont let other people decide for you,

    You can always get both tho,
  • xbox 360

    better games, more games, better graphics, a true gamers dream console.
  • I have the same problem. IDK in the US but where I live the xbox is cheaper. But I am going with the PS3 because I read in an article that 33% of xbox's consoles come defectuous.
  • Ps3 is the best I have both and I play my ps3 more more due to graphics and sixaxis wireless controller
  • xbox 360...less expensive and compatible with the old games, not to mention great games!
  • 360, it's the one (most) of you're friends will have

    loads of other pluses including, cheaper, more games, better online.
  • PS3!!!

    It does not have a problem or malfunctions every 5 days, like the 360!!!!!!
  • if your looking for a honest answers dont post it under playstaion
  • its ur chice what u need this is a old Ques. u can search for ps3 vs xbox 360 in google and youtube their will b a lot of answers
  • PS3!!

    and i'm gonna get one this june in cnada. lol
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