Friday, May 30, 2008

Would you rather buy Xbox360 or Ps3?

May be...
  • Well it all depends on whether you want to buy a console and enjoy it now, or buy a console for it to get better in the long run.

    Buy an Xbox if you want a great online time, yes before anyone says it I know it costs money but on ebay you can pay £30 for a 13month subscription. Trust me, it's worth it. Xbox has the best exclusive games, Halo 3, Gears of War and bioshock etc.

    Get a PS3 if you want a machine capable of great things, but games that aren't. The PS3 has very few exclusive games at the moment that are good and no real games that are worth raving about. I have no doubt in my mind that when the game developers pull their fingers out then the PS3 will become superior to the Xbox but by then again by that time Microsoft might be onto bigger and better things.

    If online play is going to be a big thing then I'd definitely buy an Xbox. Before anyone calls me biased yes i have had both a 360 and a 40GB PS3 but the 360 won just because it was superior in nearly every way (except build quality :P)
  • My husband has a PS3 and it is true that you get a lot of cool features with this system. In my opinion it's all for show. I'm a bit of a gamer myself and all the games I like to play just happen to be on the 360, plus I think Xbox has always had better graphics and it's a system for people who really like to play and don't need all the flashy lights and fancy hoo-ha you get with the I'd have to say XBOX 360 BABY!!!
  • I think the 360 is better only because I know the tech specs and understand them. Take a look at

    I only ever use my ps3 to watch movies, and I have troubles even doing that because of how quickly the system overheats. Lack of games doesn't help..

    Also, the xbox 360 has a better processor and GPU, but the PS3 has more processors (Since they choose to go with a single threading processor, they had make up for it somehow, hense, extra hardware)

    They only reason the ps3 could ever beat the xbox is because as said, more processors (used to have 8, now 6 I think) And it's GPU (graphics card) is awefully close to xbox's.

    Xbox 360 is a fun and wonderful system, they're trying to get more games (like RPG) and that such out there (Lost Odyssey is fun.)

    Really though, you can't make the choice based off us, you have to research the system yourself and pick it out yourself.
  • I would rather buy a PS3, I think. It also depends on the games you like to play though. Like ps3 is perfect for like rpg. .360 is shooting/sports. I think the 360 has a lot of more fun games than the ps3 right now, however, I'm pretty sure the ps3 will catch up. It also has blu-ray :D Well worth it.
  • PS3. Its an overall better console than the Xbox 360. I am not trying to bash the Xbox 360 because I somewhat like it but for me, the PS3 dominates all. I mean look at the features. It is a pretty cheap Blu-Ray Player considering the fact that most Blu-Ray players are starting around $500. It packs in with a 40 or 80GB for your entertainment pleasures. It also offers free online play instead of paying. Plus, it has a better chance of NOT failing. And comparing between the graphics, PS3 also is head and shoulders above the 360. There is AWESOME games out there for the PS3. For example:

    -- Resistance: Fall of Man

    -- Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    And many more.
  • xbox 360- excellent games it's got more shooting games then the ps3 like, mass effect, gears of war ect, xbox live is the best gameplay online experience only disadvantage is that u have to pay for it, 10gb hard drive, has troulbe breaking

    ps3- blue ray, good games more sport thogh then xbox 360, free online play but it's crap compared to xbox live much more expansive

    overall 360 are better i think
  • Well instead of asking this yourself you could look at the question DIRECTLY below this one or the 28 billion other questions exactly like this.
  • PS3 has blu-ray. Xbox360 don't have anything. I am getting the new PS3 when they release it in June.
  • PS3 Rocks!!!!!!!!

    And does not break down or have a new problem every 5 days, like the 360.
  • Ps3 is so much more value for money trust me i got both.
  • PS3!!!
  • XBOX360!!!
  • PS3
  • i had both at the same time for over a year. i sold my xbox 360, i haven't missed it.
  • ps3
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