Sunday, June 22, 2008

HDMI for PS3....?

May be...
  • first off I heard even if you have an hdtv u still should have an hdmi cable to make your ps3 graphics better.And people have told me they can sell as cheap as 15$ but i went to target today and the hdmi plug as 50$ where can i go to find it at like 15$?
  • - cheapest prices for used and non-used items (I got a $40 memory card for $20)

    don't use ebay, very untrustworthy
  • You can get them on for about, $2-3. I have one, and it works fine.

    Don't worry about it being so cheap either, the picture quality won't be any worse. HDMI uses a digital signal, and with digital signals, its either all there or none of it is there.
  • well idk where to get it if he went to a store..but you can get it cheap on sites like

    but you can go to stores like target and get it for 30$ or circuit city. those are basically all your options for a cheap ps3 hdmi cable..
  • Go to a cheap place. Expensive and cheap HDMI cables do the same thing and have the same quality. I got one at the Target game section for $20. Don't be fooled by "Monster" brand, which sells them for $100+
  • dont get those cheap crap ones. get a good one for like 60 bucks or more
  • I got mine at radio shack for $30, and works fine.
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