Saturday, June 7, 2008

Im getting a new system soon because im tired of ps2 what should i get?

May be...
  • ps3 wii or xbox 360
  • In my opinion, A PS3. Although it might seem more expensive at first( $399.99), you actually get a lot for your money. You can use the PS3 as a Blu-ray movie player, it has built-in wi fi, you can play online for free. Some people will say "But it has no good games". If they say that, slap them in the face, PS3 has plenty of great games including Uncharted:Drake's Fortune, Ratchet and Clank Future:TOD, Resistance:FOM,Motorstorm( all these are EXCLUSIVE), just to name a few. Plus, MGS4( NO it's not coming to the 360, Hideo Kojima said it himself), Resistance 2, Final Fantasy 13, Killzone 2, and Little Big Planet are coming out exclusively for the PS3. Oh yeah, and PSN( online) isn't laggy ( can have up to 40 people for some games!) and bad like people say. Plus, the PS3 has up to 40 GB ( or 80) of space to save games, which is a lot)

    The Wii is all about family; even little girls and grandmas can play it( not saying it's bad or anything). However, most of the "good" games on the Wii are first-party games, aka they're made by Nintendo ( SSBB, Super Mario Galaxy,etc.) and it might be MONTHS before Nintendo makes another game for the Wii, the third party games( that AREN'T made by Nintendo) COMPLETELY SUCK( except for maybe Zack and Wiki and No more heroes); 90% of them are shovelware games, in other words, they're cheaply made just to scam kids out of their money, some examples include Ultimate Duck Hunting, Kidz Sports( they REALLY SUCK), and Hannah Montana games. The Wii can only support up to 480p picture quality ( I know graphics aren't everything, but it's not like they're unimportant) and playing online sucks for the Wii, ( in my opinion). The Wii is basically a Gamecube with a motion sensing controller and is just a fad that will fade away. The Wii also only has a small amount of space (512 MB) to save games ( but you can use an SD card too). I'm not trying to bash the Wii, I have nothing against it, but I'm just telling the truth

    (Note: I'm NOT trying to bash the 360)

    Most of the "good" games on the Xbox 360 were last year's games: Gears of War, Halo 3 (which is honestly the MOST OVERRATED,OVERHYPED GAME EVER), Mass Effect, Bioshock, etc. The only big upcoming games for the 360 are Gears of War 2 and Halo Wars (yes, that's the actual name). Plus, all of those (except for Halo 3, which might get ported over to the PC soon) have been ported over to the PC for the same price, (usually) more content, and generally better graphics. Also, the Xbox 360 is not a very reliable console, it has a failure rate of 33% and overheats pretty easily, scratches your game discs, has a huge power brick, and a loud fan. However, the Online service for the 360, Xbox Live, is currently superior to the PS3's, it has a bigger community, but great online service doesn't make a console, a console.

    Also...... Price comparison


    PS3 (80 GB)-$500

    -Wireless DualShock 3 controller (Motion sensing and Rumble, plus it's rechargeable with USB cord, which is also included)

    -Free MGS4 game bundled with it ( only for 80 GB model)

    -Built in Wi-Fi (All models, except for the discontinued 20 GB have this)

    -You can play online FOR FREE (All models)

    -Plays Blu Ray movies (yes, on the console itself, and on ALL models)

    -HDMI Port that supports Full 1080P (although, all models do)

    -Built in Ethernet Port

    -Memory/flash card slots ( 60 and 80 GB PS3's)

    -Region FREE games (basically, it can play games bought from a different country in a different "region")

    Xbox 360 (Elite)-$450

    -Headset included (Big, cheap, and wired)

    -Third Rate HDMI Port (No true 1080P)

    -Region Restricted games

    -Old DVD disc tray

    -Wi-Fi sold separately ($100)

    -HD-DVD player ($180), oh wait, HD-DVD is DEAD!

    -Wireless controller (requires AA batteries and only has rumble)

    -Plus, add on $50 a year for XBL Gold Membership ( You HAVE to have Gold Membership to play online)
  • PS3. Xbox 360 has a lot of games out now. But if you said this last year I would have said for you to get a 360. But since you are considering now, get a PS3. This year and next, the PS3 will get the most games. And at reasonable times for you to be able to save up your money, games to look out for now are, MGS4, LittleBigPlanet, Tekken 6, Resistance 2, Motorstorm 2.

    If you are a casual gamer (singstar, eyetoy, guitar hero etc.) Get a Wii.
  • mamzy is incorrect on one thing,bioshock is coming to the ps3 now,sometime in later this year,however i was in the same place,i owned a xbox so i thought i should get the 360 but the ps3 has more features,so im going to get that.u should get the ps3 as u already have the ps2 anyways

    by the way the wii is fun
  • PlayStation 3. The Xbox 360 will last a few more year (Maybe until '10) so you would want a system that lasts longer. Get a PS3, it will die down in 2012. Although it doesnt have games like Halo 3 and BioShock, its still great. The Wii is just bad.
  • if u still like some of ur ps2 games then get the ps3 cuz it can play ps2 games. its the best value overall. it has most of the same good games the 360 has. the wii is not even comparable cuz the ps2 is even better than it.
  • I guess you should go with xbox 360

    the live service is awesome there, plus it has amazing games like halo, gears of war, call of duty, GTA and lost odyssey(I think that's how it's spelled)
  • 2 words: PLAYSTATION3 BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if u get that and the 80gb u will beable to play ps3 games and ps2 games coz the 80gb has 100% compatiblity (which means backwards compatible) the graphics are F****** amazing
  • xbox it cheaper more fun and it has good graphics

    ps3 is just to much money for a piece of trash

    this is why its not worth it
  • get a ps3, to quality, great games, and amazing graphics

    not many other consoles have ever been this good, i'm sorry no other consoles have ever been this good
  • ps3 will be able to play your ps2 games make sure to get the 80gb, and just so you know 360's break down to fast and there are no good games for wii
  • ps 3
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