Sunday, June 1, 2008

Should I Buy Guitar Hero on Tour for DS or Rockband on PS2?

May be...
  • I have been waiting so long for Guitar Hero to come onto the DS.But I also want to get Rockband for PS2.

    What should I get?
  • It really depends what you'd use more. Rock Band is honesty crazy fun, plus you can have a bunch of people going at the same time. If you use your DS a lot more though, and go on trips or anything, then that would be quite handy though. Overall I'd recommend Rock Band though.
  • Well the positive part of getting Guitar Hero on tour for the DS is that it is portable and you can take it on long car rides. The downside to it is that you would only playing the guitar parts. The positive side to getting Rockband is that you can play the drums, guitar, bass, and have vocals. The downside to getting Rockband is that it is really hard to take to different places. It all depends on if you want to have portable music games or crazy fun games in one place.
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