Sunday, June 1, 2008

Where Can I Buy Rockband For PS2 or Wii Cheap?

May be...
  • I live in Vancouver,BC.

    Im trying to buy:

    Rockband Special Edition For PS2 or Wii

    Extra Guitar

    Guitar Stand(optional)

    Microphone Stand(optional)

    Drum Seat(optioal)


    And I have some questions:

    Is there a connector cord for the PS2 cause there is only 2 slots.

    When is Rockband for Wii Coming out?


  • You can try Ebay, or even check stores for used ones if you don't necessarily need the guitar new (You can use guitar hero guitars on the PS2 Rock Band) Guitar stands I've only seen new for about $19.99, but you can probably find that on Ebay as well. A lot of bids have bundles as well where it might come with a bunch of the items you want. Sometimes Ebay can be a tad expensive though, and ALWAYS check how much they're asking for shipping and handling and if it's from another country then there will be additional fees that you'll have to pay when it arrives.

    Aaaand. For the PS2, you just need to purchase a multitab so that you'll have 4 slots.

    Rock Band for Wii is supposed to come out June 22 (around then). Hopefully they don't push it back. XD

    Have fun. :)
  • ebay
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