Friday, June 27, 2008

Was the ps3 40gb ever backwards compatible?

May be...
  • some people say they play ps2 games just fine on their 40gb. How can this be? I know about all the removals.
  • Anyone who says they can play PS2 games on 40GB is either lying or doesn't know what they bought. The 40GB has never had backwards compatibility. Sony dropped that feature specifically so they could sell it at a lower price point. It DOES play PS1 games, but not PS2.
  • Those people who say they are playing their PS2 games on a 40GB PS3 are lying. The PS3 can play PS1 games, but not PS2 games, at the moment. There is a rumor that Sony will release an update that will allow the 40GB model to play PS2 games because they will releasing PS2 games on PSN.
  • no. the 40GB was NEVER backwards compatible and just like what everyone else said, those that say they are playing PS2 games are lying or they don't know what they're talking about. it is not now or was it EVER possible to play PS2 games on the 40GB PS3.
  • The 40gb ps3 never had a backwards compatibility, but it would be possible to play ps2 games on your ps3 if sony releases some update/firmware..Those people who told you that theyd play ps2 games on a 40gb is lying..
  • The 40GB never had BC(backwards compatibilty) because it was cheaper to make without it than with it. Only the 20, 60, and 80GB's came with BC.
  • lying
  • nope never, those people are lieing
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