Thursday, June 26, 2008

Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, or Xbox 360?

May be...
  • For the past 3 years I have been using a Playstion 2. I like it however I strongly believe in a year or two, games will no longer be compatible with it. What do you think is the best choice for a replacement system that has the greatest variety of games. By the way are PS2 games supported on the PS3 at all? Thanx
  • Buy a ps3. Either the 60gb or 80gb as it seems you like playing ps2 games as well and these are the only ones that support it. Not to mention the amazing games that ps3 has.
  • Playstation 3= so much power. It has so many good games. Metal Gear Solid 4 is only Playstation 3. Playstation 3 is free online play. Basically if you are willing to play everyday then Playstation 3. So many new games are coming out. Playstation 3 is a Plaustation 2 with 70 percent better graphics, 8o percent more memory and can play ps2 games. AMAZING.

    X-BOX360= Good Console but many beleve its closing to its expiration dates. With big brands such as Konami making Metal Gear Solid 4 and ditching X-BOX 360 ssays alot. I think that X-BOX 360 is for gamers you prefer to play unique games such as Gears of War and Ninga Gaiden. If you have realized most games that are on PS3 are on XBOX 360 but it is overall better on Playstation 3.

    Wii=Wii is fun, but i reccomend it for people who only play once every week and maybe dont play games like Call of Duty 4 and Gears of War. They prefer to play Cooking games, Sports games, and Classic Mario games.

    Overall me personally say with the power and future. Playstation 3 is a league above the rest. You can play 80 percent of all Playstation 2 games on Playstation 3 80 gig.
  • PS2 games can be played on all ps3 models except the 40 GB version.

    ~The Wii is for "casual gamers" as in the graphics are basically the same as ps2 and most games are childish. It features free online though it isn't that great. It's the cheapest but you get what you pay for.

    ~The 360 has the most games since it came out first but has some issues. For $350 you get a 20 GB hard drive and a wireless controller. Online play costs $60 per year and a wifi adapter costs $100. The external HD DVD player has been discontinued and battery packs are about $19.99. The Red ring of death and overheating is a serious problem.

    ~The PS3 is $399.99 for the 40 GB model. You get a built in blu-ray player (which won the movie console war). Online playis free and there is a wifi adapter built in. There are no overheating problems and the wireless controller has motion features like the wii but in more directions and can be charged via usb cord that is provided as you play. The PS3 has had tons of block buster games this year including MGS4 and GTA IV and SOCOM: Confrontation is coming out this fall. Bioshock (a 360 exclusive) is even coming to the ps3 now.
  • I would either choose a Wii or a PS3

    The 60gb and 20gb PS3 models that are no longer in production play all PS2 games.

    The 80gb PS3 model plays 85% PS2 games.

    The 40gb model plays no PS2 games at all.



    -Blu-ray player

    -Free online play(providing you have a wireless router or somewhere to plug an ethernet cable into

    -Built in Wi-Fi

    -Internet Browser

    -Store your Music,Videos and Photos

    -Good Exclusive Games including MGS4,Haze, Resistance, Resistance 2(out soon), Motorstorm etc

    -Great Graphics

    -I could go on


    -Really fun.

    -Mario Kart

    -Built in Wi-fi

    -Free online play

    -Motion Sensitive



    Xbox 360:

    -Great online play(you have to pay though)

    -Great Great Graphics(not quite as good as PS3)

    -can't think of many more



    -massive in size




    Xbox 360:

    -online you have to pay for

    -high failure rate

    You should chose based on what one you prefer and which one your mates have so you can play online with them.

    The PS3 will last the longest if this matters and the Xbox 720 or whatever they are going to call it is already in production.
  • Right now there is a ps3 bundle in stores that u can get if u want it consist of a 80gb ps3 with backward capability with ps1 and ps2, u also get a metal gear solid 4 game, a wireless rumble controller and a voucher for a free download of the game pain of the playstation store. By now u should of known what the ps3 features r. Internet, blu-ray, free playstation network, and hi def games and movies, etc,etc. If want to know which game is right for u. U should go at the link below and read to find out. But my final conclusion is to preorder a ps3 mgs4 bundle at NOTICE: The 40gb does not support ps2 games ony ps1 games!!!
  • PS3! Better graphics, blue-ray and many more.. what else could you want for? get it! ps3 can play your ps2 depending on your model:

    20gb(no longer in production u can get it used)

    60gb(same as 20and can play all ur ps2 games)

    80gb(can play almost of them and not in stock, waait for the next shipment and get yours)..

    40gb cant play any of them it lacks of backwards compatibility.. And all of them can play ps1 games..

  • I will choose Playstation 3. It has all kind of games. While Nintendo Wii have a lot of children games. Xbox 360 has mostly shooting games. Oh, and yes ps2 games are supported on the ps3.
  • Well its a simple answer if the brand of your ps2 is sony and the ps3 is sony better upgrade the product into same brand cause you trust ps2 then you should trust ps3
  • "Ps3. N00b"
  • ps3
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