Friday, July 25, 2008

Can the ps3 disc be scratch ?

May be...
  • my friend says that how do you know that the blue ray disc can be scratch ? but i don't have enough reason to back it up so i am asking you guys to help me. is it true if so can you give me a link to show to my dear friend? thank you very much.
  • Well yes, anything can be scratched. But a Blu-Ray is harder to scratch because blu-rays have an extra, more protective coating to prevent it from being scratched so easily. You can even use steel wool, and even BURN it and it will still work.

    Why? Because all the data in the bluray is stored near the surface of the disk, unlike traditional CDs and DVDs. :]
  • If you don't believe a blu-ray can be scratched, get a paper clip and think about dragging it across the disc. I bet you decide not to. Trust me, don't do it. They're no more sturdy than DVD's or CD's.

    You don't need a link to prove something like this. It would be like proving water is wet.
  • Yes, they can be scratched, but it's difficult. Sony has added a protective coating to the discs because the data is stored near the surface. It can even take steelwool, according to tests, but I don't think it would be worth the $60 to try it out.
  • anything can be scratched. it's resistance to scratches might be high, considering the cost. but it's stupid to say something cannot be physically affected like a scratch.
  • yes, but unlike regular discs, blu-ray discs can resist scratches better. But it still does get scratched if mishandled.
  • yea it can be but its more difficult than regular discs due to an extra coating over it.
  • unless the disk is made from diamond then yes, it can be scratched
  • i agree, anything can be scratched
  • you should get a free playstation 3 from this site instead of buying retail
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