Friday, July 25, 2008

Is PS3 really worth it? (Help needed) 10 points to the person who helps me?

May be...
  • I recently put a PS3 on lay away, I live in Australia and I got it at Big W for $688Au

    I have alot of PS2 games, I would be getting a 40gb which is not compadable with PS2 games like PS2 is with PS1, I would only be buying PS3 for GTA 4 and afew other games

    what I want to know is:

    Is set up easy like PS2, turn it on and play instantly and don't need to muck around going crap like updates and stuff

    Can you use PS3 internet if you do not have internet connection, can you browse internet still if you don't connect

    Do you really need to use internet on PS3 if you just wanna play GTA 4, do you really need to connect all that crap up

    What does PS3 require to work ok, I am not looking for anything fancy, just basic, for simply playing games and that is it, no internet because i can use computer, would it still work ok

    Is the PS3 like PS2 where you can play for hours on end

    Can you save stuff to PS3, where do memory cards go

    No computer talk plz, Might not understand
  • 1. Yes, the PS3 is very easy to set up. There are updates for the PS3 and if you have your PS3 connected to the Internet, it will automatically tell you when you have an update to download. You can also visit the Official Playstation website to download the updates to a USB drive and update your PS3 that way if your PS3 wont be connected to the internet, it's very simple.

    2. You can't browse the web if the PS3 isn't connected to the Internet.

    3. No, you don't have to use the internet on the PS3 if you just want to play GTA4. If you don't have your PS3 connected to the Internet, you'll be able to just play the single player portion of the game like the other GTA games on the PS2.

    4. The only thing that's required for the PS3 to work is the A/V cables that plug into the back of the television and the power cord that plugs the PS3 into the wall outlet. It's just like the PS2, there isn't anything fancy needed to play the PS3.

    5. Yes, you can play the PS3 for hours on end, you don't need to give the PS3 rest breaks or anything because it's very reliable. I've played my PS3 for many hours non-stop with no issues.

    6. Yes, you can save stuff on the PS3. You can put videos, movies, and music on the PS3. The PS3 doesn't use Memory Cards, everything is saved on the Hard drive.

    And yes, the PS3 is worth it.
  • it is awsome and then some ! get it..
  • 1. Yes, set up is easy, you just need to plug the component video cable into your tv (red, yellow, white), and plug in the power cord into the outlet and you're set to go.

    2. If you don't have an internet connection you can't get online. This is true for all peripherals, including the computer.

    3. No, you don't need the internet to play GTA4 single player campaign. It'll be just like playing GTA san andreas on PS2.

    4. Everything you need to get the PS3 working comes in the box. All I use is the 3 colored component video cable and the power cord (none of the fancy HDMI stuff).

    5. Yes, you can play for many hours on end, but since the PS3 generates a bit more heat than the PS2 you should moniter the heat in the area. I've played for about 4 hours straight and it worked just fine.

    6. You can save stuff directly to the hard drive, so you don't need memory cards. You can also save movies, music and pictures to view them on your tv.
  • Ok, My dad just bought the PS3 for me.

    Its quite easy to set it up, its simple to set up plug in the cables, but my dad likes taking out the cables, because one of them uses the TV plug.

    Not sure bout the internet I have PSP and I need the connection to get on the internat.

    no you dont need the net to play games, I have Gran Turmismo Proluge, and it doesnt require the net.

    You can play for hours.

    No memory cards. PS3 has it built in.

    and you can play up to 6 people with the wireless remotes :D

    Dont forget you can play blueray discs in the PS3 and watch High-def movies.
  • PS3 PROS

    1)the ps3 has a built-in blue-ray dvd player which is also used for its games (you have to pay for an xbox hd dvd player) (some blue-ray players by themself can cost up to 800$$$

    2)built in wireless internet (you need to buy the wireless adapter for the xbox)

    3)music can be ripped into the ps3

    4)ps2 and ps1 titles can be played

    5)controllers have six-axis motion system and are bluetooth wireless up to 7 players + the new dual shock 3 has the vibration thingy (rumble)

    6)internet browser built into ps3

    7)files can be accessed by psp through wireless network

    8)is the most advanced gaming system on the market

    9)best graphics - up to 1080p

    10)dont have to pay for online gaming

    11)some arcade style games can be downloaded

    12)movies will eventually be available for download

    ps3 is the really worth every single cent, its an amazing system. u look quite new to these stuff, ps3 is the best for you!!!! Xbox 360 sucks (don't even think of getting it, it has a high failure rate, meaning that it can break easily unlike the ps3)
  • 1. It is very easy to set up, just like the PS2. Updates are optional, which you can get if you connect the PS3 online. You may need updates for some games.

    2. You cannot go on Playstation Internet(it's called PSN) without connecting on it a computer.

    3. You don't have to go online to play GTA IV, but if you want to it is very fun. You can play with others around the country by going online with the game.

    4. All that is required is a TV and a wall outlet. Nothing special, the things explained above are all optional.

    5. You can play PS3 for a very long time and it won't heat up.

    6. Games are saved into a hardrive(HDD). It's like a built-in memory card.

    I encourage you to go on PSN (online PS3). It is totally free and all you need is an Ethernet cable(you can ask about that later). You can play games with others, chat, get updates, play free demos, buy movies etc. Also, Playstation Home is releaseing soon! (search that on
  • its easy to set-up and use, there are a lot of updates which are easy but you can only use them if you have an internet connection

    to use the internet browser on the system you need a connection in your house

    you dont need to be connected to the internet, only if you want to play online

    all you need is a tv and an electrical outlet

    yes, you can play for hours on end

    u dont need memory cards anymore there is internal memory, hence 40gb, the games save on the hard drive
  • It is not overated, some can't afford it, or can't get their parents to buy it, then say it is overated just to make themselves feel better. If you can get it, It is well worth the money.

    Seriously, the Internet connection is a MAJOR part of the PS3. Without it, allot of the benefits of it, are rendered useless. Also without the internet connection, chances are, allot of the games will not work due to the fact the PS3 cannot update itself, or receive required game patches. I know this from experience after loaning my GTAIV to a friend without a connected PS3, the next day I had to download the 2.41 update for him on a USB stick for him to be able to play.

    My advice to you would be if you would every decide to get an internet connection for the PS3, then go ahead and get it. Otherwise, stick to your PS2 for as long a Sony supports it.
  • Yes it is worth it. For one it is basically a gaming super computer.

    ames like mgs4 and gt5 prologue wouldn't be

    posible if the ps3 wasn't out because not even the 'big and bad 360' can handle them. (if u don't believe me then ask the producers them self, u can contact them from their game websites)

    and here is a fun fact for the day: IBM's new super computer

    is using the cell for the processor.(check x play, cnet, and ibm's website for proof)

    The games coming out are awsome

    ps3 is much better games coming out exclusives:

    little big planet


    god of war 3

    socom confortation

    motorstorm 2

    and ones out

    mgs 4



    and 360 has a 33% chance of dieng ps3 only aroun 1% so ps3 is better

    and it really is cheaper than the Xbox 360 because the PS3 is everything put together

    360 you have to buy everything seperate and the controllers you have to buy batteries for

    the PS network is free but xbox live you have to pay

  • Why dont you get the 80gb so you can play your ps2 games? or maybe the 20gb one or the 60? All of the models can play ps1 games though..It worth it..You can do a lot of stuff on it..

    Yes its easy to set up..You just need to update your ps3 via usb or internet..

    No you cant browse internet if you dont have connection.

    No you dont need to have internet if you just want to play gta4,but you have some update when you buy gta 4 and you install it and then some update for the game, thats some time you need connection to update.. But if you want to play online then you need connection..But its your choice though..

    yes the ps3 will still work even if you dont have internet..

    Yes the ps3 is very reliable, it has 0.2% failure rate so you dont have to worry about playing for hours but you need yo put it on an open space area..

    Yes you can save stuff on ps3 like music,games,demos,videos and others.. No there is no memory card, It has a hard drive to save on so you dont need memory cards..

    yeah,thats all.. :) Its really worth it,

  • Yes it is as easy as the ps2 but you will need it updated to play newer games like GTA 4 but it will only take about 5 minutes

    No you need a connection to browse an go on playstation network

    No you don't need a connectipn to play it only if you want to play online

    Just the chords nothing fancy

    Yes but if you're planning to play a very long time you need a coolant system so it won't freeze

    No memory cards it saves on the hard drive it's a built in one
  • PS3 is overrated, and not worth the money wait untill it comes down in price like the ps2 did. I just stuck with my ps2 it hasent let me down.
  • i think its a waste. the only difference is the graphics and the price for the games.
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