Friday, July 25, 2008

Soul Calibur 4 Story Line?

May be...
  • Hey I have never played a soul calibur game before could anyone tell me the story line so that i wont be confused with soul calibur 4
  • There have been 4 games already released in the "Soul Series" and while Soul Calibur 4 is the fourth Soul Calibur game it is the 6th game in the series.

    The order of games is this:

    Soul Edge

    Soul Calibur

    Soul Calibur 2

    Sould Calibur 3

    Soul Calbur: Legends [Wii exclusive]

    And then the upcoming Soul Calibur 4.

    They are all following a group of fighters with their own stories who are trying to attain the Soul Calibur and Soul Edge swords, one is evil and the other is good.
  • There isn't a story (or one that matters, at least).

    Just pick a character and then beat up your opponents one by one.
  • theres a evil sword and a good sword bad guys want evil sword good guys want good sword thats it
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