Saturday, July 26, 2008

It looks like PlayStation Home’s going to be delayed again?

May be...
  • SCE president Kaz Hirai has said the launch date ‘doesn’t matter’ and that it won’t launch till everything’s perfect.

    The Sony boss, who was speaking to MCV, attempted to reassure gamers that a delay was for their own benefit.

    “I’d much rather make sure we take the time to have a great service rather than rush something into the market – only for consumers to say: ‘This is not enough for me.’ I want to avoid that.

    If we have the right service, it doesn’t matter when we launch – so long as it’s in a reasonable timeframe.”

    With Microsoft unveiling their avatars on the Xbox 360, Sony’s got more competition than ever in the ’social gaming’ space, but Hirai believes PlayStation Home is something else. Something special.

    “Given the fact that I’ve delayed the launch of Home twice – for which I’ve apologised – I think I’ve done it for a very good reason, and that’s because I want to bring the very best service possible to consumers around the world.

    We’re very confident in wh
  • Good games must take time to be developed. I prefer to wait than to get a collection of bugs'n'lags. Patience, my friend...
  • what's the question? anyway i think they're right. would you rather have it come out sooner with flaws or later without? i say let them take as much time needed to make it better!
  • slow and steady wins the race i think i can wait another year for HOMe and i dont own a ps3 yet still a ps2
  • Dam sony >:(

  • yeah..lets just wait :)
  • yeah its pissing me off too
  • First off, I assume you read the whole story about this like I did and are not taking anything out of context. I myself, when I first heard of this story, read that Kaz also said that the open beta was still scheduled for autumn. So that has not changed. If the full non-beta version is to be delayed, then that's fine. I ULTIMATELY JUST NEED SOMETHING NOW!!!!!

    Secondly, to all of you who are just saying "Oh let's just wait and it will be perfect", well aren't we all damn tired of waiting? Let me make my point by saying that I heard about and wanted Home this time last year, 5 MONTHS BEFORE I GOT MY PS3!!!!! And if all of you keep making excuses for Sony, we'll have Home real soon. IN TIME FOR PS4!!!!! I'm tired of hearing people telling me and people like me to stop bitchin'. Too late, and if all the rest of you have to is stick up for Sony and give them more reasons to delay it, then that's all that will happen.

    *end rant*
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