Friday, July 25, 2008

My friends ps2 has a phone jack in the back of it and mine dosent why is this?

May be...
  • and how would i connect my ps2 to the internet i have a 2wire wireless router could i get a adapter that would hook up to the usb port or do i have to have the phone jack int he back
  • Sony has a habit of making minor adjusments or redesigns of their consoles as their life progresses. This is why the PS2 currently in market is much smaller than the original launch release version. This is the same with PS3s, some PS3s depending on model and costs have different components (ie. memory card slot, additional usb ports).

    Sony probably removed equipment such as the ethernet connection because of space or usage. Nintendo did this too many years ago when they redesigned the NES and SNES consoles and removed certain aspects.
  • Your friend's PS2 is the slimline version, with an Ethernet port.

    You'll need a USB wireless gaming adapter. You can get them at any game store.

    If you want to go wired (less lag and it's cheaper too), you can try to find an ethernet adaptor for the old PS2, then get an ethernet cable to hook it to your router.

    EDIT: It's not a phone jack, it's an Ethernet port for high-speed internet. Doesn't plug into the phone line.
  • he probably has the slim edition.......that one comes with a built in "ETHERNET" outlet.......if you have the older one...(bulky) then you need to buy the adapter.......

    only that way you can hook it up tho the Internet
  • you have to get a network adapter. and your connection has to be wired with the ps2. and its actually an ethernet cable not a phone jack
  • PS2's Can't go on the Internet Only Xbox 360, WII & PS3's can go on the internet.
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