Thursday, July 31, 2008

Should I buy the PS3?

May be...
  • I already have the wii but it's not really that great for me. I recently got some money(1000dollars to be exact), and would like to buy a PS3 metal gear solid bundle, but i'm not really sure. School starts again in a week so I'm not sure if I'll have enough time for it, plus saving the money for now doesn't really hurt at all. My friend told me that the 80gb was really good, but I don't really know any good games. Could anyone tell me what I should do about buying it? and if so please give some suggestions of good games, or features that i should look in to. Thanks.
  • All in All it depends on what you do with your spare time it is a lot to buy for a School kid. If you really arent into gaming then just be happy with what you have and not worry about the rest untill you get more money or the price goes down. selling the Wii is 250 to 300 easy so your almost there on price.

    I would try to sell the Wii on ebay there really pulling in good money. The MGS4 bundle my friend an XBOX faithful i mean really faithful he has bought 3 of them. He was so impressed with mine that he went out and bought one that very same day. I dont think you would go wrong. Wii is a nice console but the games are kinda not so hardcore. I traded mine for a 360 big mistake cause it red ringed on me 2 months after I got it but now Im totally happy with the PS3, WiFi Dualshock Sixaxis the MGS4 a Downloadable game, free online gaming. BluRay player plus you can surf the web on it theres no way you can go wrong.
  • It actually really depends on the type of gamer you are,and how much time you will spend on it. The PS3 is an excellent console and dont listen to the xbox fan club saying to buy the xbox because it is cheaper and better. Dont be fooled by the xbox shelf costs because you also have to buy a remote, and pay for LIVE as well which adds up to more then the ps3 over time. If you are a casual gamer who doesnt really care about graphics, just the gameplay then just go out and buy a ps2. If you are going to enjoy the graphics, internet and everything else then buy a ps3.
  • No,dont buy it save money . Very soon you will need it to buy a car or something and how much will you play with it when the shool starts. Go to your friends house and check if the ps3 is that what youre looking . if you like it than buy it .

    good games:



    god of war 3


    drakes fortune


    gran turismo 5 and many more

    Dont buy it man...
  • I would suggest waiting till September when they release the 80gb for only 399 but it does not have backwards compatibilit so your old ps2 games wont work. You could sell the wii on ebay that could cover around 200+ so the ps3 would cost less. Also consider buying your ps3 used so you can save as much money as possible. Good luck!
  • I would definatly get it. It has free wi-fi (if you have a connection). Also you can play online for free. As of right now the 360 has a better selection of games, but the ps3 is newer the the 360. The ps3 has a faster game play than the 360 for sports games.
  • Wow theanimal825 has mastered the art of copy and paste i saw the exact same answer on another question like this
  • you know i am doing the same thing i am saving money for a 80 gig ps3 even though i have a xbox 360 and a wii and i am going to have enough money for ps3 in about 2 years and for months! anyways it has cool features like dowlowding free internet and a lot more and it has games like motor storm there is going to be a motorstorm 2 soon and resistence and there is going to be god of war 3 a lot of cool games are going to be out soon rachet and clank marvel dc vs moral combat and you are going to have alot of fun playing them online so i think you should buy it and watch some blue ray dvd high defenision so yeah!!!!1
  • - ps3 has a built-in blu-ray player

    -ps3 supports 1.3 HDMI which has rich colors and xbox supports 1.2 HDMI

    - ps3 has much more and better exclusives, most of them cant go to xbox 360 because it cant handle that many data(DVD- 8.5gb, blu-ray 50gb)

    - because of the blu-ray's huge space, ps3 will have WAY better graphics than 360

    - online is free for ps3 not like 360

    - ps3 will have over 300 games released by this spring

    - you can browse the internet on ps3, no such thing for xbox 360

    - when developers get used to the system, the graphics will be WAY better than 360. should take them a year to get used to it

    - developers stated that they will start using ps3 as the lead platform and port ps3 games to xbox

    - playstation home is coming out this spring, its a virtual community where you can hang out with friends and customize your own apartment which xbox doesnt have(FREE)

    - ps3 is a true HD console. xbox 360 upscale games to 1080p and ps3 DISPLAY games up to 1080p

    - built in Wi-Fi

    - xbox 360: 33% hardware failure

    ps3: .2% hardware failure(see the decimal? less than 1%!)

    - ps3 has better back-comp except the 40gb

    - rumble returns in spring 2008

    - xbox 360 already has been maxed out to its potential with gears of war. ps3 has not been maxed out yet- look at uncharted drakes fortune, better graphics than gears and its only 30% of ps3’s potential

    - you can upgrade your harddrive without voiding warranties with any 2.5 HDD, which xbox cant because you have to buy a xbox HDD

    (they actually have the step by step on how to upgrade it on

    those are the ones that i know right off my mind but there are much more reason than this

    Now I want you to do me a favor, list all the reasons why xbox is better than ps3. I PROMISE you that nobody will get at least 5 reasons

    if you get ps3, look at this, you will be able to play metal gear solid 4, haze, killzone 2, resistance 2(60 player online!!!!), final fantasy XIII, motorstorm 2, little big planet, better version of GTA IV, god of war 3, uncharted drake's fortune, heavenly sword, ratchet and clank, SOCOM: confrontation, gran turismo 5, ETC-

    Prices as of today:

    ps3- 80gb: $499 with motorstorm

    40gb: $399 with spiderman 3 blu-ray

    xbox 360(premium)- $349

    (elite)- $449

    if you want the accessories that ps3 comes with, that would add up to over 700 dollars, so that means ps3 is cheaper

    xbox 360 pricing to match ps3's features:

    $349/$449- console

    $50- XBL subscription(only for 1 YEAR) pay $50 every year

    $100- wi-fi adaptor

    $200- HD-DVD drive add-on

    $20- rechargeable battery kit

    all comes out to $720/$820- add $50 each year you subscribe for XBL

    ps3 features:

    $399/$499- console

    spiderman 3 blu-ray movie/motorstorm

    online- free

    rechargeable battery- built in the controller

    wi-fi built in

    blu-ray player(better than HD-DVD) built in

    all comes out to $399/$499, oh my,look at that, its the same price as before

    PS3 will win the console war, no doubt. Xbox 360 and Wii are so weak from technological point of view, that in couple of years they won't be capable of dealing with serious graphics. GTA IV, for instance, isn't even announced for Wii - this toy won't be able to cope with the game's requirements. Xbox 360 is getting GTA IV, however, the game is going to be released on several DVDs - Xbox 360 owners will have to interrupt gaming process and switch discs (Rockstar complained about this issue). Only PS3 will have it on single BD-DVD.

    Let's compare PS3 and XBOX 360:

    1). A third of XBOX 360 (33%) are malfunctioning right from the start. PS3 return rate is only around 0.2%. Despite some people say, that new 360 has no breakdown issues - just visit Xbox section of Yahoo answers and see for yourself an amount of complaints.

    2). PS3 has 7 kernels in Cell processor, Xbox 360 -only 3.

    3). PS3 uses advanced tech called Blu-Ray, one disc can store up to 25 (single layer) and dual layer 54 gb (in the future - up to 200 gb), Xbox 360 - regular dual layer DVD-9 (8.5GB). It's possible to get HD-DVD (max. - 30GB) for 360, but it'll cost you around 50$. Besides, HD-DVD had lost the format war with Blu-ray. Toshiba had stopped to manufacture them, Microsoft too.

    4). Calculations per sec - PS3 - 51-billion-dot-product-operati... per second

    Xbox 360 - 33.6-billion-dot-product-opera... per second

    5). PS3 has full media support - USBs, built-in 4 slots card reader (except 20GB and 40GB versions), ability to use printer and so on.

    Xbox 360 has USBs and only 2 memory slots.

    6). PS3 supports up to 7 Bluetooth Controllers

    Xbox 360 - up to 4 Controllers

    7). PS3 - wi-fi included (except 20 gb version)

    Xbox 360 - wi-fi will cost you around 100 $

    8). From the first technical sight - graphics are stronger in 360 (it has a stronger graphics chip - Xenos), BUT PS3 can use it's Cell CPU for graphics too, which gives you better graphics in total. PS3 uses a weaker RSX chip, that was developed by Nvidia exclusively for PS3. RSX runs on 550 Mhz. It's difficult to compare their graphics, because 360 has a video chip with totally different structure and operating memory is divided differently in both consoles. Xbox isn't that versatile in dividing tasks between CPU and GPU as PS3. That's why PS3 exclusives look better than 360's exclusives.

    9). Xbox 360 is widely known for so-called "red ring of death" problem - it gets overheated easily. My PS3 was running for more than 15 hours non-stop with no problems. Sometimes Xbox 360 becomes so overheated, that thermopaste on CPU melts, drips on motherboard and successfully shortcircuits it. That's why in some countries people call Xbox 360 "Coffin 360".

    10). In 2008 PS3 will get more than 300 games, including Metal Gear Solid 4, The Agent and other great exclusives. Here is the good link to the future PS3 releases.

    11). PS3 online is free, Xbox 360 - you have to pay.

    12). There were reports, that 360 scratches discs. No reports on that in PS3.

    13). The funniest thing, that right now there are no games for PS3, that show full potential of the console. Biggest games weigh only 25 GB (Xbox 360 will need more than 3 discs even for those).

    14). On PS3 you can install other OS, such as Linux Yellow Dog, Ubuntu and others. Sony officially lets you do it. There is no such thing in 360.

    15). PS3 HDD can be replaced easily with any 2.5" SATA 5400 RPM HDD (used in laptops). 250 GB will cost you around 170$. In 360 you have to buy exclusive HDD, where 20GB will cost you 100$.

    16).Sony expects PS3 to stay on the market for, at least, 7-10 years. Also Sony reduces price now. There is a cheaper 40GB version of PS3.

    17).Sony constantly upgrades PS3 software (free updates for OS) - you get new functions and improvements.

    18). PS3 controller (sixaxis) has a motion control - you move controller - game responds. Wii has it, Xbox 360 - doesn't. PS3 is getting rumble controller (Dualshock 3) on 15.04.2008, Japan already has it. On I saw those controllers on sale 50$ and up (unofficial import).

    19).On PS3 you can help sick people by running Folding Home project. Wii and Xbox 360 didn't even think about it.

    20).New 40GB is 399$ or 399 euro (depends on the region) - it has no backwards compatibility with PS2 games, has 2 USBs instead of 4, no built-in card reader, but it's the same PS3, strong, reliable, less noisy, different cooling system. The price is friendly.

    21). But, to be just, I'm not a PS3 fanboy, so (despite I own one) hear this - PS3 games (exclusives) are very hard to develop due to complicated Cell's architecture. We have to wait till developers will figure out how to develop games properly. Sometimes multiplatform games run not so good on PS3 due to the same developing issues - it's hard for developers to get a grip on such advanced technologies.
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