Saturday, July 26, 2008

What do you think the top 5 greatest games of all time are?

May be...
  • i believe its:

    1. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time- was overall an epic experience

    2. Mario Bros.- a game that saved video games

    3. Final Fantay VII- epic storyline and a game to remember

    4. God of War- a game that would change the way we look at action games

    5. Halo- redifined the first person shooter. it started a fenomenon
  • 1). Tetris - still a bestseller;

    2). Doom - first FPS as we know it;

    3). Max Payne - a perfect example of a perfect TPS;

    4). GTA III - a revolutionary breakthrough;

    5). Street Fighter - perfect fighting game of it's time.
  • 1. All Of The Legend Of Zelda Games!!!

    2. Golden Sun The Best Handheld RPG Of All Time

    3. God Of War

    4. Half Life 2 = AWESOME!!!

    5. Mario Bros.

    P.S. Comment Me Anyone If U Like My List!!!! Report Abuse
  • 1. San Andreas- The pure scale of the game and not to mention the missions that really mixed up the whole checkpoints and killing people GTA staples. Remember when you broke into Area 69!? and driving up the back of the plane and killing everyone on board?

    2. Halo Combat Evolved- It really did re-invent the FPS genre, its a pity most other FPS games are just trying to copy it and not re-invent further.

    3. MGS - The first 3D stealth game and the first real MGS game [im counting out MG and MG2] the bosses were amazing as well as the graphics. Especially Phsyco Mantis.

    4. Pokemon Blue Version - The first really decent Game Boy game and a game that I still play on my PSP today.

    Hmmm... Now the last one this is tough, i dont want to count out any good games. The runners up for number 5 were Jak 2, Bully and Fahrenheit [Indigo Prophecy], Oblivion and God Of war.

    But this is number 5:

    5. Hitman Blood Money- Sure its exciting doing the stealth in Splinter Cell and MGS but the most tense stealth is always in Hitman games. Assassins Creed tried to pull off social stealth but nothing compares to waring a stolenn policemans clothes in an opera house knowiung that the dead policmean was hidden in a room upstairs, the fake gun used in the performance was swapped for a live on and the chandelier above your head is rigged with explosives. Hitman games create tension like no other game out there.
  • 1. Donkey Kong just that good it never gets old

    2.GTA San Andreas do i need to say more

    3. Metal Gear Solid first of a kind

    4. God of War Yeah

    5. Hitman Silent Assassin the stealth and disguise it has to be on it

    Honorable Mentions

    Halo 2

    Super Mario 64
  • 1. Grand theft auto: Vice City (Playstation 2)

    2. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Playstation 3)

    3. God of War (Playstation 2)

    4. The Sims/The Sims 2 (PC)

    5. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Playstation 3/ Xbox 360)
  • 1-Final Fantasy X

    2-Metal Gear Solid 3

    3-Resident evil 1

    4-Oblivion: The elder's scroll

    5-Metal Gear Solid 1
  • um. i think

    1. Legend of zelda ocarina of time

    2.Ratchet and Clank: up ur arsenal(havent played tools of destruction yet)

    3. Super smash bros

    4.Star Fox 64

  • 1. Mike Tyson's Punch Out

    2. Super Mario World

    3. Mortal Kombat 2

    4. Resident Evil

    5. Tetris
  • in no order

    Mario Bros - the first one

    The Sims (for the PC) or Sims online when it first came out

    Final Fantasy (the old school ones)

    Any Zelda game for the old Nintendo or Super Nintendo

    Xanadu for the first Nintendo
  • Killer Instinct---in my eyes, reinvented the fighter genre

    Pacman---so addicting

    Super mario 64---the best mario ever

    Medal of honor---started the war shooter trend

    Fear effect---first game I ever heard cursing in.
  • street fighter

    mortal kombat



    shadow of the colossus

  • I love you for having your picture.... LP rocks!

    I think some supersmash should be up there...that game is awesome
  • ?
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