Friday, August 1, 2008

Are there any co-op adventure or any other type ps3 games you would recommend?

May be...
  • I dont want to play by myself anymore..... I have 2 controllers already...
  • If you mean by "any other type" any genre... then there are a lot of shooters out there that have co-op. Some examples are Army of Two (which was designed to be co-op), Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2 (short story mode, great terrorist attack mode), Resistance has offline co-op though it's short, Bad Company, Lego games like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc, and almost all sports games. Of course there's also Rock band, but you already knew that.

    Little Big Planet, a game coming out this year, should have AWESOME cop-op mode, so you should pick that up when it comes out. :)

  • Dude look it up these games they are really tight:

    Resistance (must have game), co-op gives it a more strategic way of playing the game. Gotta play superhuman after getting use to the game it is way fun and extremely easy as long as you are playing co-op I mean you will die at least 1000 times before beating it but it won't get you mad enough to stop playing.

    Haze is pretty fun, has regular co-op and online 4 player co-op which someone like a friend can play with you at your house but yet your playing with two other people online.

    Kane & Lynch is pretty badass but it curses a lot and when I mean a lot like at least two times for each sentence and is really intense at but always funny to hear Kane making fun of Lynch.

    Conflict isn't so great but it will be fun before you beat it after that you will be plain out bored of it.

    Sonic is plain out dumb so don't even think about getting it.

    Rockband it is co-op if you think about it but don't get it wait for Rockband 2

    Army of Two seems like an ok co-op game heard it was a bit short though.

    Rainbow Six Vegas sounds pretty tight but only if your into Call of Duty and that stuff.

    Kiddy games like anything with Lego in it will be co-op

    Your best off wait for Resistance 2 cause that game is going to be the best co-op game in a long while with 8 player online co-op and 64 players playing online **** this game is going to rock the gaming world. unlike Halo 3.....oh ya if you didn't know Resistance = Halo killer seriously it is that good.
  • What the first person said is good enough. =)
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