Sunday, August 3, 2008

Do you have a 40gb or a 80gb ps3

May be...
  • I have 40gb PS3 with about 20 games, they are:

    NBA 2k8


    Assassins Creed

    Army OF two

    Heavenly Sword


    Metal Gear Solid 4

    F1 racing game

    Enchanted Arms

    Dynasty Warriors 6


    All Pro Football 2k8

    Medal Of Honor: airborne

    GTA IV

    Call Of Duty 4


    Rainbow Six Vegas 2


    Harry Potter

    Genji days of the blade

    There's probably more I just can't remember as I sold almost all of them because I finished them all. lol

    I'm gonna get Madden 09
  • I have the 80gb mgs4 ps3 bundle!!! $499.99 psn: goku21
  • i have the original 60Gb model, but recently upgraded to 320Gb's.
  • neither. i have been trying to buy an 80GB but they are ALL SOLD OUT.

    damn sony can't keep up with the simple economic principle of supply and demand
  • 40 4 life
  • 60gb
  • 80 gb's
  • 60gb with an 160gb HDD.
  • 120 gbyte
  • 60 GB
  • 80
  • I have a 40GB PS3.
  • I have a 40gb with 3 games
  • 60Gb.. Should I leave? lol
  • i don't have one .... im saving to buy one ... im poor :(
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