Monday, August 25, 2008

Help ps3 graphic problem ?

May be...
  • how will a ps3 look on a lcd 19 inchc monitor if i use hdmi/dvi conversation cable.
  • It will look great, I have mine hooked up to a samsung 32" LCD HDTV and the picture quality is incredible, I've also got a LCD samsung 19 or 20" TV Moniter and I hooked it up to it with an HDMI cable and it looks wicked. So to answer your question it will look awesome
  • should look pretty great, though some monitors dont have the correct refresh rates/resoltion etc to paly HD footage. I had to get a 192 HDTV to paly my ps3 on as my monitor didnt work, jsut said "Signla Out of Range".

    but HDMI-DVI cabels/adapters are pretty cheap so if it doesnt work is not a huge loss, HDMI- VGA though can cost £100+, which if that diint work it would be quite a loss.
  • it will look Kool with HD too
  • you should get a free playstation 3 from this site instead of buying retail
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