Thursday, August 7, 2008

How Much Bettter Does a PS3 Look in.......................

May be...
  • HD? cuz i'm gonna be getting a new room, so i mite by a sony tv that's got HD.

    I'm wondering just how much better it looks in HD, cuz the t.v. cost 600 bucks, so i don't wanna waste it if it doesn't look much better.

    PLEASE ANSER IF U KNOW, and if u can show me b4 and after pictures or sumthing, that would be SO HELPFUL
  • It's looks WAY better in HD, the graphics are a lot sharper and crisper, plus the text is crystal-clear in HD ( it's hard to read in SD).

    This is my opinion, but I find that HDTVs made by Samsung, Sharp, or the Sony Bravia series are generally the best for gaming.

    Here's a side-by-side picture comparison:
  • there is no comparison. a lot more clearer and sharper. but for 600 dollars i don't know if that's the tv you want. if you want the best tv for gaming. make sure it has 1080p and 120 hz. also make sure it is an LCD that is at least 40". the 120hz isn't nescessary but it will look better. it will cost you around 1200 dollars. but ya, deffinetely get one

    oh ya and those 2 pics that the other 2 gave you are over exaggerated. but there still is a huge difference
  • it looks a hell of a lot better. I have a link but its not for ps3 but its the same thing pretty much.
  • It looks way better!!!!!




    Better view than your window
  • why spend money on a playstation 3 when you can get it for free? just go to this site and complete a few quick tasks and they'll send you one - at no charge!
  • Well make sure you get full HD-1080p.
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