Friday, August 1, 2008

Should I get Pixeljunk Eden?

May be...
  • I thought the demo was allright, kinda like a side-scrolling spiderman.

    And I am a trophy hoarder and enjoy the little noises they make.

    But is it worth the money?
  • i have to admit it also i am only buying this game because it has trophy support but i also liked the demo but i am also a trophy hoarder
  • Dude I couldn't agree more with you. I thought the demo was decent. Fun at times and I LOVE the sounds (btw get the PixelJunk Eden theme cause then it makes all those sounds while you are messing in your XMB). I really want the trophies too. Now is it worth the money? I'm not entirely sure but I think I will buy it.
  • Personally i think that if your only getting it for trophies, no. I say that because if you already have uncharted they are soon going to put a patch so it will have 48 trophies. also i think you could spend the 10 dollars on something better in the playstation store but then again thats just my opinion and you should do what ever you thinks best for you
  • i havent played it i would say if u like the demo then buy it thats what i do if there is a demo that i like then i dl it and if i like it i buy it for example i heard haze was gonna be good when i played it i didnt seem that interested it was alright so i didnt buy it
  • PS Store has me interested in games I wouldn't have looked twice at. I'm mainly interested in the trophies as well, but the demo decent, and any game that I can convince my girl to play with me is a plus.
  • I don't know. I wish it were only 5$ so I don't make too much a commitment, but it looks interesting and you know, Pixeljunk-y, so I guess it should be pretty good.

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