Friday, August 1, 2008

Should I buy a PS3????

May be...
  • Hi, pretty soon i should be getting a job and ill be trying to save up for a ps3(40g), but i was wondering how are the ps3 graphics? and how is the online play?
  • the ps3 online play is great i love it i would say hold up on the ps3 untill the fall the new one will release for only 400 bucks and it will be the 80 gb it will be a good deal but u cannot play ps2 games on it that is the only bad thing but who needs ps2 games when u have ps3 games right ?
  • The PS-3 graphics are arguably superior over the XBox 360, while being definitely superior over the Nintendo Wii.

    But, remember that it's not entirely graphics that makes a good game; the largest software library is on the XBox 360 while the Wii has many superlative 1st party exclusives that are only on Nintendo. This doesn't mean that the games on the PS-3 aren't any good, but it's something to consider.

    The limiting factor for graphics quality will be your television. You will not get the most out of the PS-3 if your television is not capable of displaying images in high definition (720p, 1080i, or 1080p).

    There is another incentive to buying a PS-3, though: you get the best overall Blu-Ray Disc player because of the ease in updating it (buying the Bluetooth PS-3 remote control is definitely recommended).

    80GB models can play virtually all games in the whole PlayStation library, which can be quite convenient though there are some PS-One and PS-2 games that aren't compatible with the PS-3.

    The reliability of the PS-3 is definitely excellent; about on par, if not close, to the reliability of the Nintendo Wii. The XBox 360, however, has had strides in its improvements to reliability, with the largest yet for that effort coming this fall with the Jasper board.

    I'd recommend saving up some more and getting the 80 GB model over the 40, though.
  • PS3 graphics depend on your TV. If you just have a regular standard-definition TV, then the graphics look wierd. They are still detailed, but they look bad at the same time. If you have an HDTV, however, then the graphics are amazing.

    And for Online, the online is pretty good. It's easy to chat with your online friends via message, voice chat, or video chat with up to 6 people. And the Playstation Store let's you download a lot of great stuff, most of them free, and most others really low prices
  • they're REALLY GOOD

    and you wont be able to get a 40 gb pretty soon they're going to make a 80gb exactly the same as the 40 gb meaning [no bccant play ps2],no chrome trim,only 2 usb ports,no flash readers,just double the memory

    they'll still be the same price 400 dollars
  • Graphics are 'slightly' better than XBox 360 in my opinion. Multiplayer is free.

    There's no great difference in the consoles available today other than the games that are exclusively available on each format.
  • Yes! I just got it and its awesome. If you have a ps2, get one NOW. The 40 and 80 gb are getting phased out and replaced with a new 100$ less 80gb, BUT only 2 usbs and no ps2 support. oh and the new one will be 400$ and the one now is 500$, but the one now comes with Metal gear solid 4 and a 10$ online game, free. The new 80 is coming in late september.
  • the graphics are really good with a hdtv you can still play the ps3 on a regular tv the graphic on a regular tv are better then ps2, the game play online is free not like the xbox, i play call of duty and have not had problems with the online
  • Definitely. Great graphics, great gaming, great playstation network,internet browser, music, pictures, videos. Plus, Sony is starting to come out with great games. And I might add, HOME
  • AMAZING FOR EVERYTHING!!! buy it now before it loses the ability 2 play ps2 games
  • The graphics are really great a good bit better than the 360 online play is pretty cool plus its free. I have bought all three systems and the PS3 has been more useful for my gaming pleasure.
  • if you have a standard tv... sdtv or edtv..ps3 wont lookk that good.. thats why I have a HDTV.. on an hdtv the graphics own the 360... but anyways yea itsawesome buy it
  • The PS3 is the gamer's gaming system.
  • Yes you should. Your better bet would be a 80GB but it's your choice.
  • yes
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