Saturday, August 30, 2008

Why Is'nt The Sims 2 Avalible For PS3 ?

May be...
  • I Mean if EA games can make one for X Box why not PS3 because i have a PS3 & i was searching for Sims 2 for PS3 but will they make Sims 3 for PS3 only i think they should.

    But they Made Sims 2 For PS2 thats like saying they would Make it for Thw Wii just cause the Chucks & they wont make it for PS3 just cause PS3 Crashes or somthing like that but yea
  • Since it was released for X Box and PS2 on October 24 2005 its pretty reasonable why they didn't make it for PS3,which was only released on

    November 11 2006.

    They'd have to remake it for PS3.PS3 was also meant for more hardcore gamers (in the beginning),so something like the Sims 2 from EA games would be...Idk,too laid back than say "Resistance:Fall of Man".Sims 2 for console sucks btw,many features from Sims 1 gone.PC is way better from what I heard.
  • Quite obviously, the console version of the Sims 2 came out in mid 2005, the Xbox 360 came out in late 2005, and the wii and PS3 came out in late 2006. Again, quite obviously, the game exists on no 7th gen consoles. The wii does carry the sims 2 pets and castaway, but the sims 2 came out for the following only.



    Game Cube


    GBA SP


    Plus, if you have an earlier PS3 with backwards compatibility,

    you can play The Sims 2 on the PS3.
  • do you know that you can put ps2 games on ps3?

    you can just buy ps2 games if you cant find the same thing inn ps3
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