Sunday, September 21, 2008

Has anyone seen the Latest Home buzz?

May be...
  • Ran across a post while ago that had this article in it. It was refreshing to see. Since Yahoo had there is PS in trouble article last night. Its pretty safe to say that Sony would hold there own high price or no high price if this came out before Christmas.

    Any Thoughts?
  • Nah, man. Home is scheduled to release in October said Agent 47 ( Late October he guessed ). Go on and go to the home section.

    I wasn't able to get to the article, but good find.
  • I had heard somthing similar, as Home and LBP should go hand in hand, and Sony have built LBPs Home are for them.

    And recent reports suggest Home 1.00(so full release, woot) and Firmware 2.5 will be out at same time, and 2.5 is meant to be out in October, same month as LBP, so October is slowly looking more definite for a release of Home.
  • well they better not delay it cause ive been waiting almost 2 yrs for this...and the release date is actually November
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