Sunday, September 21, 2008

PS3 pros and cons????????????????

May be...
  • I'm thinking about getting a PS3. My dad said he will pay half cause he wants the blue-ray part. What is its pros and cons? Any suggestions for games?
  • Pros: -Has really awesome games

    - Great reliability ( 0.2% failure rate)

    - Most powerful of all 3 consoles

    - Free and good online

    - Built in Wi Fi

    - You can store your music, videos, and pictures on it

    - You can use most Bluetooth Headsets with it

    - It plays Blu Ray movies, DVDs, and CDs

    - PSN Store where you can download demos, trailers, add-ons for games, full games, and even movies ( costs money of course)

    Cons: - The newer, more recent models can't play PS2 games

    - You can't play in game music

    I highly recommend you buy a PS3, it's a really great console that you shouldn't miss out on

    As for games, these are some really great PS3 games:

    -Metal Gear Solid 4 ( in my opinion, the best PS3 game so far)

    -Uncharted: Drake's Fortune


    -Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

    -Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

    -Resistance: Fall of Man

    I can't tell you which one is the best for YOU, as that's for you to decide, these are just some suggestions.

    Also, there's plenty of upcoming ones as well:



    -Resistance 2

    -Socom: Confrontation

    -Final Fantasy XIII

    -Fallout 3

    Those are only the ones I can think off the top of my head
  • There reallyis no cons to the PS3. Complains for most ends are that the PS3 is expensive and they dont have any games. I have had all 3 consoles the Wii had very very few games that I was interested in playing. The 360 I have doesnt even work anymore so thats out of the question.

    PS3 is a very strong and durable console with built in WiFi free online gaming DualShock 3 controller that you charge from the PS3 so no need to buy batteries or a charging deck you can play your games and charge your controller at the same time.

    And of course the BluRay player.

    it also has Blue Tooth capeabilities so if you have a blue tooth headset you can just link it to your PS3 no need to buy anything extra for it. coming soon will be the 160 gig Uncharted bundle pack which will come with everything you need to enjoy your PS3 with nothing else to buy. The only thing is, is that it wont be Backwards Compatible for the PS2 games.
  • um, there is vibration on the controller now in answering to that other guy.

    pro- entertainment system (internet, music, pictures, videos). it can wirelessly hook up with a psp. can play ps1 games. dependable (well built, .2% failure rate). the best video game controller to date (wireless, recharges fast, sixaxis, rumble, great possitioning of buttons). built in WI-FI. there are more i just can't think of everything. oh ya, great psn store and great online, which is free. on the psn store you can download add ons, demos, movies, etc.

    cons- newer models can't play ps2 games. sometimes it can't recognize your ipod when you plug it in. lacks in-game music.

    you can add this to the pros list. it has fantastic games. and there only getting better with a great line up for the rest of this year and next. good for us, bad for our wallet lol. some must buy games are MGS4 and GTA4. after that you have plenty to choose from. i recommend ratchet and clank, ninja gaiden sigma, resistance, uncharted, heavenly sword, etc. and look towards the end of this year and more options will open up such as LittleBigPlannet, resistance 2, tomb raider underworld, armored core for answer, fall out 3, far cry 2 etc. and in 2009-2010 there is final fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy versus XIII, God of War 3, Kingdom Hearts 3, Killzone 2, etc.

    i HIGHLY recommend a ps3. the possibilities are endless
  • Pros- Blu-ray player, Awesome exclusives!, A very solid and well crafted system(doesn't break down like others I are Region free(yay for importing)...Capable of many things greater because of its power..You can cure cancer! (seriously, it has this folding@home feature and you help stanford university in its calculations instead of them buying supercomputers, ps3's connected to a single network=supercomputer)

    It also uses standard equipment(example is the HDD, any laptop 2.5" HDD will do)..It comes with every feature which you would normally buy for the 360 examples are the wireless adapter and such..For $499 you get your money worth which would last for 10 years..(because of Blu-ray)

    Cheap if I may say so myself..

    Best is it's FREE online feature...!!

    Cons- It's cons will be erased completely come end of 2008 as its only con is its "CURRENT" library of games...They have already released the Dualschock 3 controller so vibration is out of the question if that piques your poison..Can't think of nymore cons..

    Hope I Helped!
  • pros:

    -sleek look

    -over 30 exclusives

    -of course, the blu-ray

    -also plays dvds

    -built in wifi

    -old systems have backwards compatibility

    -1080p resolution gaming

    -free online

    -dualshock rumble controller

    -web browser

    -playstation store with many good games, free demos, and movies

    -easy to use menu (XMB)

    -extremely fun

    -music player




    -new systems have no PS2 compatibility
  • Pros - Great machine, powerful and is a long term investment since it is updated every so often and has technology which cannot be used yet but will be in the next 10 years.

    Cons - No vibration on controller and expensive.

    Best Games console ever
  • Ps3 Pros - Store Music, Videos, Music, Play High Def games.

    Online is free.Very good games coming out, doesn't over heat.

    Has built in wire less.Has Vibration controller.

    Cons - a lot of cash ( but it's worth it), doesn't have along game line up like the x box. The online is not as good as 360 ( but it's catching up)

  • pros- great games out nowbest system best upcoming games free online

    cons 60$ games


    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Grand Theft Auto 4

    Call of Duty 4

    Resistance Fall of Man

    Assassins Creed


    Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction

    Burnout paradise

    Devil may Cry 4

    Battlefield Bad company

    Soul calibur 4
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