Thursday, September 4, 2008

How do you make a portable ps2 ?

May be...
  • ok i assume you mean like putting it in a car and playing it in there? Well first, you need to by a cigarette lighter ac adapter for power (it has the prong outlets like in your wall in your home and you sitck it in the cigarette lighter). Then get like a portable dvd player and put your composite (red, yellow, and white cable) into the back of your dvd player. Boom, you can now play ps2 in the car.
  • Ben Heck has amde a few, if your into serious modding.

    full how to in the link.
  • sell your ps2 and buy a PSP... that's the only way I see it.
  • get it and put it in a bag and take it somewhere
  • put it in a bag and carry it?
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