Thursday, September 4, 2008

How to remove a scratch on top of my ps3?

May be...
  • i got my ps3 and it was making a weird noise(now i realize that its suppose to be like that).i touched it and it was kinda hot, so i was holding a fan on top of it and the top part of the fan fell on it and made a mark right on the "S" of playstation.if there anything that i could do to remove it???

    if not,are there any GOOD skins that cover the whole ps3 so it wont be noticable
  • There are tons of scratch removers. You can try using ones for fragile plastics (without any strong chemicals, such as acetone). But if the scratch is really deep, get a skin. Tons of them here:,24...
  • I'm not entirely sure what the case is made of but I'm sure its some type of polishes plastic. The problem is where you scratched it. Its on top of where there's a second layer on it. The silver "S" is a seperate layer therefore Because of that you can't just buff it out. I know buffing sounds crazy but if you have ever polished plastic you know what I'm talking about. I know there's a site out on internet but I'm blanking on the name but they make custom skinz for ps3 and 360 and all that.
  • No, you're basically screwed. The S is an itegral part of the shell, and once scrathed it stays scratched.

    You could buy the Spiderman movie and cut out the S from the Spiderman and glue it over the Playstation S.
  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
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