Saturday, September 20, 2008

Is there a really big difference when playing 480i against 1080p for PS3?

May be...
  • Hi,I'm getting a PS3 soon.

    I can't afford a HDTV,and that means nothing above 480i.

    Am I gonna miss out on a lot if I did not get a HDTV?

    I know there really is no graphical difference,but what is the big difference,for all you PS3 owners who have HDTVs?

    Thank you for your help.
  • 480 is SD, meaning 480 vertical lines per inch

    the diffrence between 480i or 480p is the type of lines in the 480, i measns interlaced or every other line is enhanced definition, p meases progressive or every line is HD.

    so the real diffrence in the 480i vs 1080p is the abount of lines on the screen and the amount of lines that are hd, the more the better it looks, but its only as good as the source. game graphics are determined by the makers of the game, not your tv, not your PS3, not the wire. A HD tv takes what you give it and displays it the best possibe way.

    basically it cleans the images up so they are produced brighter and clearer, but dosnt improve the graphics the game is programed with.

    hope this helps
  • i must say just graphics and big, but not like ground to sky, i've a HDTV but for the last month i've been using my small t.v because it is in my room and yesterday i put it back in the HDTV because of school. it's really isn't a hell of diffrence, of course it's better but it doesn't affect ur gameplay at all,HDTV's r just an extra but a very good extra i must say, the big screen is really cool, so is HD ( but it's just graphics nothing more, nothing less), Have a nice day
  • there is amassive diffrence....if u dont have hdtv then u will enjoy ur game and it will still look cool...u would say wow a lot more on hdtv...

    its just more crisper cleaner image....480 is sufficent but 1080 rocks
  • You're going to miss out on high def gaming.

    Good Luck and Hope to see you on PSN!

    BA? (BA= Best Answer)
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