Saturday, September 20, 2008

Why is the force unleashed rated 16 on ps2 and 12 on ps3 is there any difference in the game?

May be...
  • Yes there is.

    Lucas Arts had a 'Unleashed' theme,which means that each console has it's own unique feature that other consoles will not feature.

    For example,the PS2,Wii and PSP versions ahs the player play through nighttime in level 1,whereas the PC,360 and PS3 all play in the afternoon.

    the PS2 has three Jedi Temple exclusive levels,the Wii,special Wii controls.

    I don't really know anything about the others.

    I hope my advice helped you. :)
  • No idea on any diffrences between the two that would change the age rating( there are difrences though).

    If the Byron report has come into play then it may be BBFC teething troubles.

    And remeber, you need ot amercanise some questions, they use Teen and Mature cos they dont use years to count how old peopel are.

    heck non of them have relaised you cant get 12/10 or 16/10 on a review :P
  • I don't know where you're getting your information but it's rated the same on every system. and no, the games are all the same, just on different systems.
  • Thats totally wrong the ps3 version got an 8/10 and the ps2 got a 6.5/10
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