Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My friend has a 60gb PS3 and he wants an 80GB one instead, and I want to buy one, should I buy his 60GB?

May be...
  • I was saving up to buy the 80gb PS3 anyway, and I could get it for about $300 from him...
  • Yeah, go for it.

    But if just wants a bigger HDD, tell him that he's losing out. The 80GB's are worse than the 60GB's, old and new. He can swap the hard drive for $100 from
  • As long as he has kept it in good condition I would say buy it. Considering he wants $300 for the only console with 97 to 99% compatibility with PS2 games, it a pretty good deal, especially since 60gb's are no longer made. As someone else mentioned your friend is basically going backwards, he's buying a console with slightly more storage but losing the best PS2 compatibility of any PS3 model, when all he had to do was put in a larger hard drive, which is allowed by Sony and is cheaper than buying a new PlayStation 3. But hey, it's his loss and your gain.
  • If he is selling it to you, then go for it. Mainly because the 60GB version is better than the 80GB because on the 60GB version, you can play all PS2/PS1 games instead of the 80GB version where you can play most PS2/PS1 games.
  • It's a bit pricey - I would haggle and get it down to maybe 250. But if not, it's a sweet deal. Your friend's making the wrong decision seeling his 60 to get an 80 gb though, cause all he has to do for more memory is buy a new HDD. He's downgrading, seriously.
  • If he has taken care of it then yeah I think it would be a good choice. Saves you money. but the new 80 gigs are 399.99 doesn't play PS3 games but it has the dual shock controller and a warranty
  • It's not a bad idea to buy from a friend. At least he can guarantee to you that his 60GB is still in good running condition. Just maybe negotiate for $250.
  • i honestly wouldnt want to since the price is high from him and i dont know the condition, but i would not get the 80 gb trust
  • no over priced its used its only worth half value buy a new one then you know what your getting and 20 gigs more :)
  • I agree with KyledKat and LFT here. Go for it.
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