Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What is the best radio station in GTA IV?

May be...
  • I'm into anything in the way of Rock, Punk Rock, Heavy Rock & Heavy Metal -

    I dont know how many if any of these genres are in GTAIV but if they are please let me know

    If anyone can recall in Vice City the radio station 'Vrock' is there one that's similar to this?

  • imo i listened to the vibe the most it had some nice songs but for the harder rock i would listen to liberty rock
  • Liberty Rock Radio was the one i mostly listended too.

    But PLR was fun for the satire, like if your having to drive along way.

    The Journey was a random one i listened to later in the game. Kinda strange music, paly it for the lulz in a car chase.
  • only your ears can tell you what you like. different people have different preferences when it comes to music. do you mean to say that if I like Sinatra, you will like Sinatra too? Music is a personal thing. So, you can't ask and then just agree.
  • depends wat you like if you like hip hop you get classic channel. if you like motorcycle music the llhc i think is the bes choice. listen to each one carefully and decide i really can't chose for you but i reccomend classic i personally don't care.
  • I think Liberty City Rock is the best.

    However, I like listening to the commercials and the talk-shows the best.

    I liked the music in Vice City better. No Hall and Oates in the newer one :-)
  • Liberty City Rock.

    I also like he talk shows because they say ridiculous stuff.

    and Electro Shock sometimes has some cooll stuff
  • i wud say liberty rock

    amazing tunage

    i wouldnt know bout the others cause im boring and only listen to liberty rock
  • the talk shows are HILARIOUS



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