Saturday, September 20, 2008


May be...
  • hi guys i plz help me.....i live in pakistan & my ps2 is from dubai and it is not modified so it doesnt run any cds from this place but it runs games from dubai which are expensive,& i have bought a lens from pakistan also,so i was thinking that if the lens of dubai runs cd's from dubai..then pakistan's cds would run on a pakistan's lens. so i wanna know that should change my lens ,will it run cd's from pakistan even if i don't modify it plz help me and remember pakistan's cds are actually made in! please

    i would be very thankful to you :-)
  • Changing the lens is not going to let you play games from other countries. A lens is a lens.

    If you want to play games from other countries, you have to alter the hardware, and I don't mean the lens.
  • you can attach a part that let you runs all sort of game , you can do that in any games shop
  • idk
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