Sunday, September 21, 2008

PS3 HDMI Cable ?

May be...
  • I have an 80GB PS3 and my family and I have found the tv we are going to get. and I obviously want an hdmi cable to bring out the 1080p and the moneys worth of my ps3 and the tv. So which hdmi cable should i get? I want it to be able to support 1080p. Thank you and the best answers will get 10 points.
  • you won't find cheap ones if you do i don't guarantee it its the BEST. your best bet is the playstation hdmi you can get one on bestbuy but they are expensive
  • Its pretty simple, buy a brand you trust. i use a belkin HDMI. Look for a few features, Gold connectors (this imptoves the clairity, length, no longer than needed (the longer it is the longer it takes to the pic to get to your tv, and if you decide to go cheap, make sure your read the package and make sure its capable of 1080p (some cheap ones can only take 1080i) If your still undecided look at what your new TV recommends.

    And yes it dose

    all games are not in Full HD, COD4 is 720p for an example, so make sure when you set it up you select all definitions that your tv can handle, if you dont you will get a blank screen when a game is not 1080p

    Good Luck
  • Well,Any HDMI cable will work basicly,they are pretty expensive so if you can find a cheap one,BUY IT!!
  • if u search in google "best hdmi cable" it might come up with the one u need i know it defietley needs to be gold plated and perhaps get a 3m one soit allows u more flexablitiy
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