Monday, September 22, 2008

Ps3 price drop in new Year ?

May be...
  • is there going to be a price drop in ps3 in new year
  • i asked game yesterday about the ps3 price drop and they said that they are not sure yet.
  • Most likely not.

    Well, not the Sony company itself but the retailers may have a discount for a reasonable amount of time.

    But I doubt Sony will drop the price, but there's a bit of chance but that's not how Sony strategy works. Sony plans to make Ps3 with bigger harddrives but to stay the price as it is.

    For example:

    The 40gb was replaced with the new 80gb for the same price, $399.

    There's gonna be a new Ps3 sometime this year which is the 160gb Ps3.
  • Well there really should be if the PS3 wants to have any hope of staying competitive with the Xbox 360. So we can hope.
  • probably since they are the most expensive system
  • more than likely there will be but not to sure
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