Monday, September 22, 2008

Will the Playstation 3 price ever get between $299 and $399 ?

May be...
  • Well there is a $399 PS3 so I assume you're asking if the PS3 will ever get between $199 and $299 ! If Sony is smart, they had better get on the ball as MS has dropped the xbox price twice I believe sine E3.

    Since most PS3 owners are techno heads, it's in Sony's best interest to price the PS3 for the masses of corePS2 gamers who have yet to take the PS3 plunge.
  • If you buy a core XBOX 360 thats gonna be 199.99 ok there you go right there. You will have to get XBL if you are buying into the onine gaming thats TP 250 now your gonna have to eventually get a HDD or at least some type of memory unit 512 mb now the total price is 280 have you bought your batteries yet for your controller 10 dollars for good lithium batteries. i didnt even throw in the price of rechargeable battery set or either the charging station for the batteries. Also a longer ethernet coard if your gonna go online which thats what most people are gonna do with their console anyway. The price has gone back up to 300 dollars already and you havent even bought your game.

    My point is I try not to expect Sony to get very much cheaper without having to make a complete base PS3 XBOX isnt doing it there letting you buy a cheaper system but they then grab you with all the extra stuff you hvae to get for it. Nots not cheap. When you add all the numbers together. And thats a really cheap estimate.
  • where do you live i got mine for $99 plus tax
  • yes
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