Sunday, September 28, 2008

Question about Folding Home on the Playstation 3.?

May be...
  • What is it? How does it work? I heard that if you sign up for it, then some University uses or PS3's processing power. Or do they use the processing power of computer? If I try it and don't want to use it anymore, do I remove it from the PS3 somehow?
  • Folding at Home uses the PS3's processing power only when you run the program. It doesn't do anything when you're playing games or anything else. If you don't want to use it anymore just don't turn it on. You can also run the program on a pc or mac.
  • Folding@Home is now called Life With Playstation. You still donate computing power to Stanford for medical research but it now has a 3-D globe that lets you move around it and see the weather and current news in certain areas. You can play music while it is running as well. Sony is just trying to make it more appealing to people so they will use it more.

    If you go into Folding@Home then you can update it and it will be now called Life With Playstation.
  • As mentioend its now Life With Palystion.

    Basically Stanford University useh te power of the PS3, the PS3 is way mroe powerful than a PC for this, to simualte 'folding protiens', basicallyl attmepting ot understand and cure things such as cancer, alzhiemrs and many other illness'. so puttinghte Ps3 ot good use.

    The Ps3 version is desinged so it only takes 8 hours ( ie overnight while your sleeping) to compelt one work unit, so it wont interfere with your normal gaming.

    If you dont want to use it, then just dont use Life WIth Playstation, pretty simple, it wont run unless you let it.

    However its ultimatly asking for abit bit of your electricity nad bandwidth to help cure some major illness in the human race,so its doing your bit, should give you a nice fuzzy feeling inside(and theres leaderboards if you jsut want to go into it for a bit of competion too)

    I'll add a few link's.
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