Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ps3 Home (when will it come out)?

May be...
  • Hey,i am a DIE HARD FAN of Sony and i own the 40gb ps3 but i have 1 question that has been KILLING me for over a Yr know...When WILL THE PS3 HOME COME OUT sony officially announced that ps3 home will be coming out last yr winter then they delayed it to last yr spring and know their saying its coming out in Late October... Can anyone tell me if what i heard was wrong or if ps3 home will be DELAYED AGAIN!
  • Well rumours(form the horses mouth) suggest October with Firmware 2.50.

    Also it is meant to be before LBP is relased (oct 21st) as Sony want LBP and Home to be BFF.

    so keep your ear to the ground over next few weeks.

    Either way it has been garunteed to be out before the end of the year.
  • I know how you feel. I've had my PS3 for over a year now and I'm also wondering when it will finally come out. It's a strong possibility that it will be delayed again because of it's history, but don't worry. I'm pretty sure It'll come out before 2009.

    Well let's hope so.
  • it has been announced that there is a 99.9% chance that home will be out by this year stated sony. so we can expect it sometime in 2008. hopefully soon. i did hear rumors in october but don't take my word for it, i just heard it somewhere
  • I think it'll come out shortly after the 2.5 update taking place in November.

    I can't think of where I saw that though. I'm pretty sure it though.
  • i heard late 2008 or early 2009
  • it better be this yr
  • lolz i dont even know whats the HOME, so sorry
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