Sunday, September 28, 2008

Didnt the xbox 360 copy?

May be...
  • Home for the ps3 and the wii for the miis it has, with the new xbox 360 fall update
  • They didn't entirely copy it, but they made it similar.

    Microsoft can't create their own ideas.

    Edit: Sony didn't copy the motion controller, there was one already back in the 90's.
  • Guess who had motion sensors first? Nintendo, after they showed about the Wii, Sony STOLE the idea. Guess who had the built in HDD for saving first? Microsoft with the Xbox. Yes Sony had the add on HDD for the PS2, BUT it was only used with one game and never caught on basically. So that is called the Business World. If something is successful then everyone else copies it.
  • No. I don't think they copied Home entirely, but they definitely copied the XMB. It's their own "interpretation", and the "avatars" are blatant Mii knock-offs.

    Oh well. Microsoft knew that they'd need something like a community for their players to get together, even if Sony had the idea first, it was kind of inevitable.

    It won't matter though. It will probably be inferior to Home anyways.
  • Yeah it looks like they copy Home but it also looks like they copy mii's from the wii.But I guess that is how it works in Business.Sony seem to copy the wii's motin controller. While the wii seems to copy Sony angle sticks.
  • 360 are copycats they are also copying the motion sensing from the PS3 controllers and also the hard drive thing where some games require you to install the software you the game can load faster and even taking PS3 exclusives and adding them to the crapbox360 this system is an epic failure
  • lol.

    that's what I was thinking when I first saw the videos of it. They look exactly like the Miis and the whole avatars partying was stolen from Home. But Home is still going to be better, because the Xbox avatars look too cartoony and kiddie for me.
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