Thursday, September 25, 2008

Questions About PS3 80GB Model.?

May be...
  • I have been considering getting a PS3 but I have a lot of questions.

    First of all, does the 80GB model of the PS3 have backwards compatibly with the PS2? If not, what model does that is still being made right now?

    Secondly, it seems that only 70% of PS2 games are able to be played. Can someone tell me either from personal experience or from a list that Persona 3 and Singstar work?

    Thank you very much.
  • The new 80gb does not have B/C. They stopped adding it after the MGS4 bundle so no model will have it from here on out. You can still find some MGS4 bundles online. The 60gb and 20gb also have B/C up to 99%. The 80gb actually plays about 80-85% though. You can find out if it plays the games you want by going here,

    It tells you what you need to know about each system and if you scroll down you'll see the option to click to enter what game you are wondering about and it will tell you if it will play or not.

    Hope that helps.
  • If you purchase an 80GB PlayStation 3 that was manufactured as part of the Metal Gear Soldid 4 Bundle or before, then that model has backwards compatibility. The 60GB and the 20GB also have backwards compatibility. I am not sure if Singstar and Persona 3 are compatible with the PlayStation 3.
  • Dude, if you want to play PS2 games, don't consider a PS3.. get a PS2. You can't do anything if PS3 doesn't play 100% of the PS2 games. It's just a bonus feature. So be happy for what you're gonna get.
  • i know singstar works and i think the 80gb has backwards compatibility but only with 1st party games and some 3rd party games. BTW ps3's are AWESOME
  • The link below will answer all of your questions
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