Saturday, September 27, 2008

What game do you think is better?

May be...
  • Resistance vs. Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare

    Explain why you think so?

    I'm looking for details.Both are very great games, I just want to know what you guys think.
  • I would have to say Resistance by a very slim margin. It has great online play plus multiplayer co-op. Call of Duty doesn't have a good single player but online play is fun.

    Can't wait until Resistance 2 comes out!
  • Personally, I like Resistance more. There's nothing wrong with COD4, but I stopped playing it all together as soon as MGS4 came out. I keep coming back to Resistance, even though I've had it since launch. I don't really know why, but it's just kept my attention longer.
  • resistance. i like a good story in my games, and COD4 doesn't really do that. also i think COD4 is way over rated. it's a good game don't get me wrong, but it doesn't have a good single player.
  • Resistance i mean call of duty is great a top 3 but resistance just takes it farther a more in depth campaign a good online and just great
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