Monday, September 29, 2008

Why should I get a PS3?

May be...
  • So I'm having a tough time deciding between a PS3 and Xbox 360. I've owned a 360 before, but I sold it off because I rarely touched it (never got the RRoD). But that was before when I didn't really have any good games and admittedly played a lot of crappy games to boost my gamerscore.

    Anyway, what are some great exclusives coming out to the PS3 soon? I'm a huge Final Fantasy (which is coming to the 360) and Gears of War fan, so I'm kinda leaning towards the 360 right now. The price is also $200 cheaper for the 360 right now.
  • The reason why you should get a PS3 is for the exclusives and the additional features that it has over the 360 like Blu-ray, Built in Wifi, and FREE Online.

    If you love Final Fantasy, yes you will be able to get FFXIII on the 360, but Final Fantasy Versus XIII is a Playstation 3 exclusive, so you wont be able to get that one if you just go with the 360.

    Final Fantasy XIII will be released on the PS3 first in Japan and it's being developed on the PS3 first...and more than likely, the PS3 version will be the superior version because FFXIII is being optimized for the PS3 to take full advantage of the system.

    PS3 exclusives coming out this year:

    SOCOM Confrontation (October)

    Motorstorm Pacific Rift (October)

    LittleBigPlanet (October)

    Resistance 2 ( November)

    White Knight Chronicles (December- coming out in Japan first)

    Tekken 6 (it might come out late this year or early next year)

    Some PS3 exclusives for Next year that I currently know of:

    Killzone 2 (February 2009)


    Heavy Rain ( Late 2009)



    God of War 3 ( Late 2009)

    Final Fantasy Versus XIII

  • I have the xbox 360 and my best friend has a ps3 and i am wanting to get a ps3. For one reason is the blu ray dvd player, another advantage is having the wifi built into the ps3, which i have to spend an additional 100 bucks on the xbox just to play xbox love at my house. the blu ray dvd players will be at least 100 bucks.. so there's the two hundred bucks ur saving with the xbox. as far as the games go, there's not so many games that are only exclusive to one platform.
  • Resistance 2


    Fallout 3


    Final Fantasy

    Tekken 6

    Those are the ones I'm looking forward to most, if you want all of them, go to and go to upcoming titles for PS3.

    Also, there's really no good exclusives coming to 360 now, all they got is gears 2 but I'm not interested in that.
  • one of the main reasons i would get the PS3 over the Xbox if i had the choice is that the PS3 has a blue ray player. a new good blue ray player is around 400-500 dollars. i also really like sony. and i think that the games for the PS3 are better, the only game for the xbox that i would play would be halo
  • 360 has better exclusives, PS3 can play blu rays. That's about what it boils down to.

    I gotta tell ya though, I love the 360 just for the gamerscore. I feel now that when I play a game, I have something to show for it, even if it's just a number that doesn't mean anything.
  • If you are a huge fan of FF then you will defintly want a PS3, it was one of the exclusives on hte Ps3 that drew me ( as well as LBP, and the fact it had a blu-ray player and i didnt have ot pay £50 a year to play online)

    360 may get FFXII but dotn forget its a port, so it will be multiple discs, be using compression ,and it would jsut ruin the experience, and you cant get Versus XII either. if Gears is only other game thats drawing you back to 360 then grab it on PC, most 360 games end up on PC anyway.

    At its launch PS3 did have a cruddy librabry, but now developerss can use the Cell, and are realising Blu-Ray offers more space for games (Id games had to remove chunks of the game from Rage cos it won't fit on DVD for 360) the library is building, and if you look at the fact Ps1 n Ps2 have about 3000 games each you know over the coming years the library will be huge.

    Also Ps3 now has Trophies(similar to achivemnts) and a PS score (Simialr to GamerScore) and Home coming out sometiem this month, so PSN is building up to rival ( and possibly surpass) XBL too.

    Sure the Ps3 does cost quite a bit more, but you get your monies worth, as pointed out, by the time youve paid for XBl, or decide you wanto t start watching HD movies, upgrade the HDD, gotten the play n charge kit etc, youll have to shell out the $200(and more) that you saved on the Ps3.

    Sony have nearly 20 years(they worked wiht Nintendo before Ps1) in the video gmae industry compared ot Micrsofts 6, so Sony knwo what there doing and cna give a quailty games console and service to their customers. And right now if i was gonna buy a new 360 i'd be worried MS are gonna do the trick they did on the orignal XBox n complelty drop it after 4 year's, at least Sony will still support Ps3 for many years after Ps4 comes out, look at the Ps2 now.
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