Friday, September 26, 2008

Youre opinion on upgrading my PS3 hard drive to 320GB (or more), and.... ?

May be...
  • I have a MGS4 80GB, and I have around 60GB left.

    Thing is, games take up a LOT of space, and pretty soon I wil find myself struggling with space.

    However, I already have PS1-3 saves, music, photos... will upgrading mean that I will replace all that with blank space? In other words, will I lose all that data, or will it ADD 320GB?

    And secondly...

    Whats a good hard drive to upgrade to.

    Please and thank you!
  • If you get a new HDD you have to take the old one out. You don't replace the blank space or add more space. Before you replace the HDD you have to back it all up. That way all of your data can be transferred to the new HDD. What do you mean by the second thing? Like brand or size? A good brand is Western Digital and a good size is, well, whatever you think you'll want. I got a 120GB one. It has to be a 2.5 inch sata drive.
  • i don't know much about upgrading the hard drive. but as for your data you can buy any type of memory stick or sd card and then transfer it to your new hard drive.
  • well all you have to do is get a usb drive save ur data and the ps3 only takes 2.5 sata drives.
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