Saturday, October 25, 2008

Anyone with R2 Beta.....?

May be...
  • What is the best way to level up? I'm a lvl 5 Medic and Waffleman over here is lvl 58....
  • Make as much kills revive people and start playing competitive modes they will help you. I was in a game and I was ranked 60 and I worked my way down to 21 so yea its gonna teach you how to use the guns. And how to become a better medic. Also to lvl up easier make sure you get up to a good point where u should die. I got up all the way then died. So close. Its hard.

    And when you're playing cooperative make kills and before you start playing make sure that there are 8 people playing. That will also make it easier. And it doesnt matter about the lvls. You just need to learn how to use the gun your wielding. When Im using Specialist and the Chimera with the shields are near me I just hide, wait till the shields go down and start snipe shooting. It's a really god weapon which will protect me. And the medics there always revive me so I can keep firing. Make some distance. Get too close and your all dead.

    P.S. Play with me tommorow.
  • I'm level 2 Medic....
  • Seriously? I'm in beta and only lvl 1! Wow, am I really that bad? lol...
  • lol i thought Waffleman was lying when he said that
  • lol im still downloading mine
  • just keep on playing (I think)

    lvl 3 right now
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