Sunday, October 26, 2008

How is Burnout Paradise for PS3?

May be...
  • I'm thinking about buying Burnout Paradise off the PSN Store. Is it any good? What game modes does it have? How many cars can you choose from?
  • It's a lot of fun, and for $29.99 it's a great deal. There are races, burning routes, marked man, road rage, stunt run, timed road rules, showtime road rules and 490 online challenges. There are four bikes and over 80 cars available. I don't usually like racing games, but this one is really good.
  • The burnout paradise is great...

    Now there are Bikes !!!!

    Take a look of the bikes on youtube the link :

    The trailer for burnout paradise on youtube:

    More information of burnout paradise on Gamespot: Rating 9.0/10 both PS3 and xbox360

    The link of gamespot site :
  • There are 70 cars and alot of motorcycles too.
  • it is good
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