Thursday, October 23, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence..?

May be...
  • Is this game worth getting? I haven't played the original MGS3, I heard that the camera angles are much better in Subsistence..

    What do you think?
  • Yes if you havent played the original, it's worth it.

    the camera angle is 100 times better in subsistence...and you can get the game for a cheap price these days.

    very much worth the money, u'll be happy, imo.
  • Susbsistence is a two disc set. The first disc has Snake Eater with the new camera system. The second disc has the original Mtal Gear Online on it, but the servers are closed so it's worthless. However, the first two games in the series are also on the second disc. The MSX versions of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake are worth the the price of Subsistence alone. I highly recommend picking it up.
  • The game itself is better than MGS4 except for graphics. But the graphics is actually very good for a PS2.

    Yeah, get it.
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