Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mid Night Club: Los Angeles Question.?

May be...
  • It's the ps3 version I'm talking about.

    Can you guys give me some tips on being a really good racer because I'm kind of losing badly
  • Make sure you have a car that accelerates well, has good speed, and also handles well. You have to have a perfect balance of the two.

    I went with the Golf as my first car

    Also, if you are losing, go for the races that have the green circle. Yellow is medium, orange is hard, and red is really hard. Remember that for the future.

    I'll usually do a race several times, that way I can get used to the track, even find some secret passage ways. It might help to just spend some time cruising around the city.
  • Get familiar with the courses that you are racing in.( i don't have midnight club: los angeles. but this applies to all racing games) Knowing that there's gonna be a sharp turn helps a lot since you need to brake early.
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