Sunday, October 19, 2008

Resistance 2 Beta Playstation News?

May be...
  • ok this link told me that the beta was out on Oct. 16 and they would send out emails to premiere people (which is me because i bought Qore Episode 3). They also said that they would send out the beta codes on the night of Oct. 16th. Well now it is the 19th and i still havent gotten the code yet. Im very very very mad and i want to know what is going on and if this is happening to any one else.

    here is the link
  • Hey dude, the first answer guy knows what he's doin. I emailed them and haven't got anything back yet, but sure I am going to. Pick me as best answer because I picked you last time lol and I want 2,000 points.
  • well then email SCEA

    thats what i did and they gave me a code
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