Monday, October 13, 2008

Should i buy a PS3 or the X-BOX 360?

May be...
  • I don't know with one i should buy. so can u guys help me. the PS3 looks cool and the x-box 360. and i already have the wii
  • Well, Personanally i think ps3 is superior. But i will give a non biased answer.


    Xbox 360

    -Not too bad of a coating.

    -Incredible online experience (and almost every game has online)

    -Cool controller designs

    -Lots of games

    -CHEAP! (as in price, not quality)

    -Not TOO big, but not really small either (you could take it on a vacation or in the car with you if you keep it in a case)

    -Incredible graphics

    - once again, extremely affordable.


    - Free Online!

    - Amazing Online

    - wireless internet

    - Free Web Browsing

    - impossible to get a virus

    - SOOOOO many upcoming games (Socom Confrontation, Little Big Planet, KillZone 2......)

    - mp3 player

    - photo album

    - video player

    - sleek design

    - nice, black coating

    - nice controller design


    Xbox 360

    - Pay for online

    - Red ring of doom (but they are fixing it so thats good

    - problems with games freezing

    - No wireless online


    - Online is slightly inched down form xbox live (but its getting better and better!)

    - Not many games have trophys

    - Expensive

  • well i can tell you the pro and con for both

    ps3 does not break easily, however because of its more advanced cell processor, it costs game companies waaaay more to program games for ps3, because of this xbox 360 has almost every single game ps3 has and alot more that doesnt come on ps3 cause like i said its expensive. So xbox has way more games however the xbox 360 is not as durable as the ps3 and can break easier, such as the infamous red ring of death where the xbox overheats and will no longer turn on. But all xbox 360 come with a 1 year free warrenty where they fix everything for free so your covered. Also if u get the red ring error they extend your warrenty to 3 years! so you really have nothing to loose.
  • great answer above BTW. Any way its really down to if you like online gaming and what risks will you take (in terms of reliability) The xbox 360 failure rate is terrible and when it does happen trust me its really annoying and costly. The PS3 is a great system it offers a wide variety of functions such as internet,DVD,Blu-ray,CD,Bluetooth,Videos and more and also has some great exclusive titles such as Little Big Planet and Metal gear solid, The online okay it may not be a versatile as xbox live but is improving with things like Home. Cost wise yes the PS3 is three times as dear but if you're going online on the xbox the cost will soon add up and you'll end up spending more. Right onto xbox 360. Xbox live is very fun and very user friendly, It has easy ways of communication and millions of other gamers to play and chat with.It also features a wide variety of down loadable games many off these being classics. The xbox 360 also has great exclusives such as Halo 3 and Gears of war, but is very poor in the reliability area. For functionality the xbox 360 is no match for the ps3. It lacks internet, DVD (unless you buy it separately for a ridiculous £99.99) Blu-ray (again this is set to be released after you buy it separately) So all in all the PS3 and xbox 360 are pretty close, But it is really all down to you're gaming preferences. Look into each console before you buy, look at the games they other and theprice range in which you can afford, and i'm sure you're pick the right one. Good luck and happy gaming :)
  • When you ask which one to buy in the Playstation section, you are naturally going to get biased reviews.

    It really depends on what you want to do with it. While the PS3's online system is so-so, it does offer bluetooth support, so you can use the bluetooth headset you'll inevitably get. However, the 360 has much better online play, but you have to pay for it on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. It's way worth it in the end, but you still have to pay.

    IMO, the PS3 has much more functionality with all sorts of video and music support, photo sharing, and it reads all types of CD's, DVD's, and Blu-ray Discs. Since Blu-ray is a newer technology, it can hold 50GB on the disc as compared to DVD's 8 or 9GB. What does that mean for you? Better graphics, higher definition, more extras, etc. More space means more options.

    Now, the failure rate. Whle the 360 has an almost inevitable failure, it's really a one-time thing. Sony has a much less failure rate, but if you're really unlucky, it'll break a second, or third time (but that's one in a million).

    In the end, it's really down to your own views and likings. You'll make the right choice.
  • Here are some good and bad about both. The PS3 has blue ray player, free online gameplay, and I think looks better graphically. However it is more expensive, the internet play is more laggy and choppy, and the blue ray still isn't a big thing yet. There are few movies on blue ray right now. On to the Xbox 360. It is cheaper, the online gameplay is way better and there are more features, and the customer support is superior compared to that of the PS3. However online gameplay is not free it costs up to 60$ a year. The 360 tends to red light a lot which takes weeks to fix but is free, and the 360 does not support blue ray technology. However personally I like the X-box 360 better.
  • well ps3 cost a lot more money but comes with free internet good graphics and if you want wireless it cost nothing unlike 360 its like £60 for the adapter

    360 game are better i must admit that

    but blu ray disc are better and good

    buy what you want

    oh and xbox do die sometimes its called the red ring of DEATH

    ps3 has none of these problems

    i would buy a good old strong sony console
  • Depends at what type of games you are into. Check out which games you like for each system and then which ever one has the most I would go with that one. PS3 has Blue Ray, But xbox360 has xbox live, which is sweet. Graphically I think they are about equal, You could argue both ways which is better. It comes down to which ever one would suit your gaming needs better.
  • 360 has way more exclusive games and content then ps3. gears of war, halo, left 4 dead,etc. all ps3 has that no other system does is metal gear solid 4 and little big planet. and gears of war could kick little big planet's ***
  • Do you want good games with perfect best performance? Or, 2nd rate performance with blu ray player? If you like playing the best games! GET 360! I have both systems, AND I NEVER PLAY PS3, only watch movies on it! PS3 SUCKS!
  • the wii has awesome graphics better than 360 and its processor is 3 times as powerful as the ps3. and it has lots of exclusive games like mario tea party
  • PS3 definetely man

    answer mine;...
  • Xbox 360 so that once it gets old and breaks down, you can extract the blu ray laser inside and make a blue laser pointer!
  • well if u dont have a PS1 or 2 then its up to u to buy a PS3 i think XBOX is really intresting then PS3 its got better games and cheaper Xbox is like a PS3 and its nothing new :S.. :D
  • xbox 360 :) yeah then you can get on xbox live and have more fun
  • ps3

    graphics are 3x as good according to this games magazine i buy :)

  • ps3's suck buy buy a 360 instead they rock listen to me because im going to become hokage someday!
  • PlayStation 3
  • Sega Saturn
  • Ps3
  • 360
  • PS3
  • it depend if you like graphics and blue ray movies get the ps3, if you like multiplayer get the 360 (but you need to pay for online)
  • ps 3 son !
  • lol @ all of the fanboys
  • 360 - only $200! plus the online is fantastic
  • PS3 and u dont have to pay to play online like xbox....

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